Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Alex Brown, Green Bay West basketball


By Wiliam Soquet

Contributing Writer

Alex Brown

Parents: Rick and Melanie Brown

Activity: Basketball

Alex is a big presence on the court — quite literally at 6-foot-6 — for the Green Bay West Wildcats basketball team. He started all five games that his team played before the holiday break. Alex leads the team is blocks and is fourth in rebounds.

West went to overtime on Dec. 10. Describe the atmosphere of playing in an overtime game.

“It was exciting, very exciting. There was a lot of pressure. Overall, it was fun though, still kind of like a normal basketball game.”

With only three seniors graduating from the basketball team last year, have the Wildcats grown this year?

“We play more as a team than last year. If we mess up, we don’t yell at each other, which we used to do. We play more as a team for sure.”

You have seven blocks in the first five games. How does that happen?

“They come to me naturally sometimes, but most of the time I’ll try and get some blocks.”

Are you a leader on defense with the blocks?

“I’m the vocal one on defense, telling where people are and where they need to go.”

Describe your role in Green Bay West’s offensive scheme.

“I’m the one that gets people open. I mainly pass the ball instead of score.”

What’s the key to passing well and getting people open?

“Cutting hard, screening and putting the team before myself.”

Do you have any pro role models that you play similar to?

“I pretty much just go out and play my own way!”

What’s your favorite memory from playing basketball at West?

“I would have to say that when we win games, it’s pretty fun.”

What went well in the win over Chilton in November?

“We played as a team. We hit our shots, passed the ball around and weren’t selfish with the ball.”

What kind of person are you off the court?

“I’m more of a laid back guy.”

Do you go out to eat after games?

“I do go out to eat sometimes, and when I go, it’s Culvers.”

What are you watching on streaming right now?

“HBO Max is my favorite streaming service, and I watch South Park a lot on there.”

Do you eat breakfast regularly?

“I try to eat breakfast a lot. The main breakfast thing I go for is a Clif bar because I’m always in a rush.”

Do you have any pets?

“I have two cats. One is named Cocoa and another one is named Loaf, like the bread. She’s really fat and

her fur color looks like bread.”

What is your favorite season?

“I’d have to say winter. It’s basketball season, and I also like all the snow.”

Outside of basketball, what are some of your other hobbies?

“I hang out with my friends, play video games, and go for walks.”

What are a couple of your favorite video games?

“I really enjoy the new Warzone. I play Mario Kart with my friends, as well as a little bit of Fortnite.”

Who are a couple musical artists that you’re listening to right now?

“Post Malone and Pop Smoke, that’s about it.”

Where is one of your favorite places that you’ve traveled to?

“I don’t travel that much, but one place I’ve been recently is the Grand Canyon. It was fun, but it was also really hot when I went last summer.”

What are some of your plans after high school?

“I definitely want to go to college, but I’m not sure what I want to go for yet.”

Alex Brown, green bay west, Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight