Tuesday, September 17, 2024

West High School freshman track and field phenom on her way to greatness


Ana Moyano competed during the WIAA regional meet in the triple jump finals. Jason Coisman photos

By Kaitlyn Coisman

Contributing Writer

There are many words to describe an exceptional athlete including hardworking, coachable and resilient -- all of which have been used to describe Adriana, Ana, Moyano. Ana is competing in her freshman year track season for Green Bay West High School. The Wildcats’ head coach, Mari Tomita, has utilized Moyano in an array of events including the 45 Meter dash, 100 Meters, 200 Meters, 4x100 relay, sprint medley relay (SMR) 800m-, Pole Vault, Long Jump and Triple Jump. Tomita said, “She’s such a young athlete and has so much potential, I mean all the coaches want to work with her, so I felt like I was a traffic control for her, you know? Sometimes I had to say like, ‘No, she’s not going to work with you today.’ And she loves Pole Vaulting and loves working with the Pole Vault coach, and I have to tell her that this is an important season now, ‘you’re gonna focus on Triple Jump, Long Jump and some relays,’ and I do want to put her in sprinting, but... I don’t want to put her in four events all the time, which would win us a lot of points, but I gotta keep her healthy.” Ana Moyano’s talent has not only led her to score points for her team during meets, but has also put her name down in the school record books.

Moyano holds school records in five events, four of them in the top 3. This season Moyano ranked third in school records for the Pole Vault with a PR of 7’0, Long Jump with a PR of 16’3.75 and Triple Jump with a PR of 34’8. Moyano is accompanied by her relay team -- Jamayah Booth, Mikiah Rogina and Kylynn Stevens -- with a first position ranking in the SMR 800m- with a time of 2:11.19. With all of these accomplishments, Moyano said that her favorite event is the Triple Jump. Not only is Moyano a school record holder, but the powerhouse took first place in Triple Jump at the 2023 Outdoor Bay Conference Championships with a distance of 33-7.25m and second place at the 2023 Regional meet at De Pere with a jump of 34.4m.

Ana Moyano, center, poses with assitant/horizontal jump coach, Scott Alvey and head coach, Mari Tomita.

Tomita describes working with Moyano in a positive light while highlighting her caring and hardworking nature. “She is always caring; she’s always cheering other athletes on even if her event is coming up, she would be like, ‘I am going to cheer him on and then I’ll go to my event,’ and I have to remind her, ‘well your event is coming up in five minutes so let’s go to your event,’ you know? She is very caring about the whole team... anybody that she comes in contact with she will check on like, ‘how’re you feeling, you’re gonna do great.’ She is just a very positive athlete. I don’t know if she even realizes she is that talented. That I enjoy... seeing a young athlete care so much about others,” says Tomita. Yet, Tomita is not the only coach that Moyano works with. She has also spent a lot of her time training with the Assistant and Horizontal Jump Coach Scott Alvey, a coach that is commended for his enthusiasm and positivity.

Moyano was able to reflect on one of her favorite moments this last season “...from the St. Norbert track meet, when I was in finals for Triple Jump, about to do my first jump. I remember almost all my teammates and coaches were there to cheer me on and on that very jump I PR’d by a foot! Their support and energy made this one of my favorite and happiest memories this season.” The positive experiences that Moyano had this season has allowed her to find a love for competing and for the people that she competes with. “I would say that my favorite part about being a part of a big team is being able to watch everyone improve and support them through their track season, because even though we compete individually, we still have that team bond with each other that makes the bad days bearable and the good days great,” says Moyano.

Tomita commends Moyano for her ability to handle pressure and soak up all of the coach’s critiques. Saying, “She’s so talented and we can keep improving her. Whenever we correct her, she gets it right away. It’s scary how much potential she has.” Her coachability will continue to serve Moyano as she continues to strive for greatness throughout the next three years of her career and the rest of this season, said Moyano. “Next season I am hoping to improve in all my events, and potentially break both the Triple Jump and Pole Vault records for my school,” said Moyano. The next meet of the season for Moyano will be on May 25, in the WIAA Sectionals. 

Coachable, Green Bay West High School, Resilient, track and field