Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Asia Chevez



Green Bay West High, cross country and track

Parents’ names: Ericka Skenadore and Francisco Chevez

Siblings: Jayvon Chevez, Leanna Chevez, and Susana Chevez

Instagram: @asiachevy

Facebook: Asia Chevez

Position or events: Track- Thrower (Shot put and Discus)

Career highlight: Biggest career highlight is hitting 30ft in shot put, hitting 92 in Discus and running a 23 minute 5k

At what age did you start running track and/or cross country?

I started track my sophomore year at 15 years old with the intention of running but I decided to join the throwers for practice because I had shin splints and the rest is history. I started running cross country my junior year at 16 years old, after a lot of convincing from my track head coach. I remember being so surprised she saw cross country potential in me because I was just starting out track and I was only a thrower.

How has balancing academics and athletics been different for you from your freshman year to your senior year?

Freshman year I never did sports. I was focused academically but I always knew I had a passion to be a leader and be on a team someday. After minimum involvement during my freshman year my sophomore year I joined track. Then junior and senior year I was on the cross country and track team. As you can see freshman year was very easy for I didn’t do sports, personally sophomore year wasn’t too much of a challenge for me. During my Junior and Senior years it was more challenging because I was in college courses and the workload was more demanding, but I was able to balance it by doing schoolwork as soon as I could.

Can you tell us a little bit about the Rising Phoenix Program and how important it is to you?

The Rising Phoenix Program allows students the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and a two-year Associate of Arts and Sciences (AAS) degree upon high school graduation by dual enrolling in college credit courses. Overall, it was a great, yet humbling experience. I quickly learned that college is a far different experience from high school. I was a high schooler and an independent college student, all within a few months. I was the only student within my school within this program, so I felt like I lost a sense of community, as no one else could relate to the feeling of not belonging anywhere. I wasn’t a full-time high school student anymore, yet I wasn’t a full-time college student. Since it was online, independence and accountability were essential skills for success. It was a struggle at first to complete schoolwork on my own time. At the same time, it was great because I could do my class work anywhere, anytime. As many hard days and good days I experienced during this program, the hardships ultimately motivated me more to break barriers and hopefully be able to inspire those around me to challenge themselves.

How does it feel as a senior, to look back throughout high school and see your growth (as a person and athlete)?

As a senior looking back throughout high school and seeing my growth as a person and athlete is enjoyable. I truly have grown a lot mentally. My first two years of high school I was very quiet and had very low self esteem. Then getting more involved and finding myself I have become more outgoing and confident in who I am.

Any memorable coaches or teammates you’d like to give a shout out to?

Shout out to all my teammates and a special shout out to my coaches, Coach Tomita, Coach Noskowiak, and Coach Setzer for all not just caring for me just as an athlete but also as a student and person!

Future Plans? (college, sport, major, career, etc)

I plan to attend St. Norbert College in the Business Program. When I graduate I will already have earned an associates degree in business thanks to the once in a lifetime opportunity of the Rising Phoenix program. I have taken free college courses throughout my high school career, even taking some over the summer to have the credits to earn my associate degree! In addition, I look forward to furthering my track career as a thrower Knight!

Green Bay, Nicolet Bank National Bank Senior Spotlight, sports