Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Tyler Boeder, Green Bay East basketball, baseball


By William Soquet

Name: Tyler Boeder

Parents: Laura and Kevin Boeder

Activities: Basketball and baseball

Twitter: @tyler_boeder

Tyler is a key figure for the Red Devils basketball team this season, running the floor as the starting point guard. He is also a shortstop and occasional pitcher for the Green Bay East/West baseball team.

Tyler Boeder, Green Bay East basketball, baseball
Tyler is a key figure for the Red Devils basketball team this season, running the floor as the starting point guard. He is also a shortstop and occasional pitcher for the Green Bay East/West baseball team. Submitted photo

How has the basketball season been going so far?

“We’re very young. Last year we were very good and ended up having six or seven seniors that left. Brand new coach. It’s been a little bit of a rough first four games, but we’re most definitely getting better. From day one to now, it’s been getting a ton better.”

How important is leading to you on a young team?

“I take charge with everybody. Kids come up and ask questions, they’re not scared to talk to me if they need help with a drill or whatever. As pretty much the one person back who had some minutes, I’m definitely taking charge of my teammates. School-wise too, not just basketball. The coaches have been telling me that I need to step up and lead a team, and that’s what I’ve been doing.”

What’s your role on the Green Bay East/West baseball team?

“On the diamond, I play shortstop and I pitch. Mostly I play a lot of shortstop throughout the whole season, but I pitch from time to time when we need it.”

Playing on a co-op team, do you ever have to set aside rivalries with athletes from Green Bay West?

“The funny part is there’s a kid on the West basketball team. We joke around have fun with it. There’s not a huge rivalry where we’re both going at it. We like to joke around about it, but we set it aside. We have a really good group of guys that just love to come out and play ball. We have fun, that’s a fact.”

What would be a good baseball season for you this spring?

“For me, I want to hit above .300. That would be an amazing goal, and to not have many errors. As a team, I think if we can stick to the plan and keep rebuilding. We have our new coach from last year coming up. Last year, we had one win, which was a little bit of a struggle. We really got to know each other and started building chemistry, so I can at least see us winning five or six games this year if we all played the role we played last year. Everybody being eligible, everybody being ready to come to practice. I just want to win a couple games for my senior year, that would be amazing.”

If you had to choose just one sport, which would you choose?

“Whenever I’m in that season, I tend to choose that. Right now, I’d choose basketball. I love both the sports I play. I can’t pick, because you can’t compare two good sports! I love them both the same. I play it all the way until the end, and then it’s like, ‘Oh, time to turn to the other sport.’”

What’s your go-to breakfast food?

“I love Cap’n Crunch and a little bit of Frosted Flakes. If I go out, I love hash browns and eggs. You can’t go wrong with a nice little skillet. Those are the best in the mornings, especially the ones at Bellevue Café.”

What do you watch in your free time?

“I’m a big Netflix guy. I watch all of it, Netflix, Disney+, whatever. I like watching sports stuff, so that’s a lot of time. Right now, I’m in Christmas, so it’s a lot of Home Alone, I already watched that. I used to watch a lot of YouTube, but I don’t watch a lot of that anymore. I love watching movies and Netflix, Stranger Things and that type of show.”

Are you a summer person or winter person?

“I’m more of a summer person. I love going to the beach and going out. In the winter, I’m stuck in and watching movies, but I love watching movies anyways. I love going outdoors, though, and that kind of thing.”

Are you a dog person or cat person?

“I’m a dog person. I have a German shepherd mix, but I’m not sure what she’s mixed with.”

What is your favorite subject in school?

“I would have to say math. I’m a big math person, I love numbers.”

Where do you spend your time in school?

“I love being in the new gym we have, especially for basketball. I also love being in my old head coach’s room, I loved talking to him. There are some teachers that have really helped me out with school and making school fun, they all say hi when I walk by. You know you’re in a good place when teachers say hi and make conversation with you.”

What are your plans after high school?

“I want to stay in Wisconsin. I’ve got accepted to Oshkosh, Stevens Point and Green Bay. I’m not sure what I want to major in, but I’m probably going to be in sports management. A four-year college for sure, though.”

baseball, Green Bay East basketball, Tyler Boeder