Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Kyra Brosig, Green Bay East tennis and bowling


By Greg Bates
Sports Editor

Name: Kyra Brosig

Parents: Danielle and Nick Brosig

Activities: Tennis and bowling

Kyra has been a varsity tennis player for four years. She started out as a doubles player, but by sophomore year, she was competing in singles. Kyra has been the No. 1 singles player for East for the last two years. She’s also a captain on the bowling team, which competes during winter season.

You played No. 1 singles as a junior and then this year as well. What did last year’s experience teach you?

“It was very different switching from doubles and sometimes playing singles to strictly singles, it was a lot more work that I had to put in to actually get points in the rounds. In the end, it made me better, a better player jumping from people who were somewhat my level to people who were better because it pushed me to become better.”

Are you a lot better of a player this year than last year?

“Yes, I am, by far. Last year was the first time actually that I started winning games and then I started winning more games this year as well.”

Why do you like to play tennis?

“Because it makes me take my mind off of everything else and just focus on hitting the ball. Sometimes life outside of the court is just too hectic, so it just really makes me bring more of my thoughts in.”

What makes you a good tennis player?

“That’s a hard one, I don’t know. I think it’s my ability to laugh at every mistake I make and be able to learn from it and not let it get me down.”

What’s the best part of your game?

“I’m really good at my backhand. I can hit a really good one that is really angled so the opponent can’t get it. But my forehand is also really good when it wants to be. It kind of switches between the two.”

Is the season going pretty well so far?

“Yeah. We unfortunately only have like five girls, but we’re all very woven together. We all make it fun for everyone, even though we have so little girls. In the long run, it’s been a very fun year so far.”

You’ve been bowling since you were about 6. What’s generally your average game score?

“I want to say around 100, 115.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?

“I am a major bookworm. I’m consistently reading or I’m either writing myself. If I’m not doing reading or writing, I like to dabble in SFX makeup. And I also dabble in art.”

Are you a big fiction or nonfiction reader?

“I’m a big nonfiction person, but I dabble in a lot of the realistic nonfiction books.”

Who is your favorite author?

“That’s insanely hard for me, because I read so many books that I don’t look at the author, I just look at the book’s description and I’m like, ‘OK, this can work.’”

Since you don’t compete in a spring sport, do you have more free time?

“During the spring, I’m actually the boys’ tennis manager, so I help our coaches with drills and getting the boys ready for matches and stuff. During summer, I’m working pretty much every single week, four days, maybe.”

What do you do for a job?

“I’m a babysitter for one of my neighbors who have three kids. While both of the parents are at work, I watch them from about 5:15 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon.”

Do you like to travel?

“Yes, I do like to travel. I want to travel more, but with my schedule, it doesn’t allow me to.”

Where is the last vacation spot to went to?

“I went to California, around the L.A. area. I went there for my sister — she was in like a dance intensive thing. Me and my mom, we explored the surrounding area around the hotel and then we got to go to Disney and the zoo down there. That was really fun.”

What’s the most important thing in your life right now?

“The most important thing in my life right now is my family, because throughout everything I do, they’ve always been the biggest supporters I have. Even when I’m down in the dumps, I can always go to my grandparents or my dad or my mom or even my sister just to like bring a smile to my face.”

What are some of your other hobbies?

“I’m into woodworking. So like making cabinetry, shelves, stuff like that. For school, I’m in a thing called the Bridges program through West High School where we go and build houses, and that’s pretty fun.”

If you could be somebody for a day, who would it be?

“Myself, because why would I want to be anyone else when I can be myself?”

Give me a quote that’s stuck with you through the years?

“Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore

Do you know what your plans are yet for next year?

“I want to go to college for environmental science. I looked at UWGB and I really loved the campus, because there’s so much nature around and it’s just a very beautiful place.”

With studying environmental science, do you know what you’d like to do for a career?

“I would want to become a forest ranger, because they really help in preserving the wildlife and help protect against wildfires.”me years you don’t have any injuries, and other years you have lots,” Marsh said. “Our fingers are crossed we get those guys back, can win a few more conference games and make a run in the playoffs.”

bowling, green bay east, tennis, UWGB, varsity