Home » City Pages » Book Review: Every Little Seed By Cynthia Schumerth and Illustrated by Elisa Paganelli

Book Review: Every Little Seed By Cynthia Schumerth and Illustrated by Elisa Paganelli

Book Cover

Review by Marie Nicol

Kindergarten Teacher, MacArthur Elementary School

Children’s books have been a part of my life for more than 25 years as an early childhood teacher.

In my kindergarten classroom, we enjoy the opportunity to read quality books aloud. Every Little Seed by Cynthia Schumerth is a book we enjoyed very much.

Teacher reading to children
Marie Nicol reads Every Little Seed to her kindergarten class at MacArthur Elementary. Submitted photo

It is told from the perspective of a young girl working with her Grandpa and Mom to prepare a spring garden. She starts with the seeds in spring, and works through summer until she collects the fall harvest. She starts the process over the following spring.

The illustrations are detailed and accurate, depicting the living and non-living things found underground and above ground in a garden. Readers will find labeled pictures, rhyming text, and scientific content to learn about planting seeds in a garden.

My favorite line repeated throughout the book connects the girl with her family. “And I won’t forget what Grandpa told Mom, and Mom told me: The secret of a plant lives in every little seed.”

I was most surprised by the section of the story that shared about the pests of a garden – the invasive bugs. The illustrations show the skeleton-like leaves after bugs have eaten through them and show how she collects the pesky bugs to protect her garden, never forgetting what Grandpa told Mom.

I heartily recommend this book for plant and animal lovers alike. The themes of family and connectedness and the beautiful illustrations make Every Little Seed a great choice for growing young readers.

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