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Short-term benefits, long-term consequences

The last thing we need is to pass the “Build Back Better” (BBB) bill.

The bill is not fair at all, and is just another way to collect and redistribute federal funds.

We don’t need the federal government creating more agencies that will never go away.

They may offer short-term jobs, but they will find ways to make themselves look relevant long after the jobs that they were intended for are finished.

While the bill may offer some short-term benefits, its long-term consequences will be devastating.

It will drive up our taxes yet again, and cause a drag on the economy.

Not only will we be paying for it, but our children and grandchildren will as well.

While the face of this bill may look good, it has very little good in it.

Do we need a federal takeover of family leave, or a tax subsidy for union politics, or a tax subsidy for the news media?

If any of these changes are made, shouldn’t these all be a state policies anyway?

The (Joe) Biden administration acknowledges eliminating all greenhouse emissions from the U.S. will have no meaningful impact on global temperatures, so why would we invest so heavily in the green energy market?

Do we want to be broke like California?

The mainstream media and the far left has convinced much of the populous of this country that we’d be beyond (repair) if we don’t solve this energy crisis immediately at any cost.

I’m all for clean energy, but not at the cost of the BBB bill.

You can go right down the list of items contained in this bill and each one is twisted.

The idea of taking federal money and distributing it to special interests is just wrong.

This bill does exactly that.

– Dennis Dolski, Green Bay

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