By Kevin Boneske
Staff Writer
ASHWAUBENON – Village residents will have the opportunity to speak out at a public hearing Nov. 27 on the proposed 2019 Ashwaubenon village budget, which calls for a decrease in both the overall tax levy and mill rate.
At a joint meeting Tuesday, Nov. 13, of the Ashwaubenon village board and Finance and Personnel Committee, both governmental bodies backed a budget for next year calling for a municipal tax levy of $12,548,221, a decrease of $128,224 from the previous year.
Village Manager Allison Swanson and Finance Director Greg Wenholz appeared at the meeting to present next year’s budget, for which the municipal tax rate is projected at $5.62 per $1,000, a decrease of 50 cents from the previous year.
Of the total village mill rate, Wenholz noted 69 cents per $1,000 is referendum-related, which means the tax rate for municipal operations over the past 10 years has increased by 33 cents per $1,000 while service levels have increased during that time.
Wenholz said the goal of the 2019 budget is to hold property taxes steady.
“So what that meant this year is take someone who had a property valuation that would have no reason to change, but yet everyone’s changed with the market revaluation, and basically calculate a tax rate where that person would write the same dollar amount for a check,” he said.
Though assessed values went up in Ashwaubenon with the revaluation that took place this year, Wenholz said the village’s tax rate went down.
Village President Mary Kardoskee pointed out what it would cost in village taxes for a home in Ashwaubenon with a median assessed value of $158,600.
Out of the tax payment of $890.78 to the village, Kardoskee noted only $8.54 would go toward snow removal.
“That’s like 75 cents a month to have your roads plowed,” she said. “That just floored me, and I think that’s wonderful.”
Out of the payment the average homeowner with a $158,600 home, as depicted in the budget presentation, would send to the village, the largest portion, $370.69, would go for public safety and the next largest amount, $109.55, would go for referendum debt service.
Of the $15,934,917 in budgeted general fund expenditures for next year, the categories with the four largest amounts include $8,282,347 for public safety, followed by $2,443,883 for public works, $2,320,001 for general government and $1,876,297 for parks, recreation and forestry.