By Rich Palzewic
Staff Writer
ALLOUEZ – At its Tuesday, May 5, virtual meeting, the Allouez village board approved a reconstruction project at Green Isle Park.
The parking lots and roadway at Green Isle are in poor condition and need of replacement, said Chris Clark, director of parks, recreation and forestry.
“The asphalt lots are approximately 30 years old, are showing deterioration and are at a point of disrepair,” he said. “With the size of this project, the lots and roadway were separated into two different bonding cycles.”
Phase 1, which will be completed this summer, will include parking lot reconstruction by the pavilion, baseball diamond, park shop, small shelter/softball diamond and tennis court work.
The roadway phase of the project (slated for 2021) will reconstruct the road from the trail crossing by the north park entrance through the woods to the softball diamond parking lot on the south side, as well as the driveway leading to the pavilion.
The village bonded $270,000 toward the first phase of the project, but an updated estimate of $342,500 was prepared by the village’s consultant, Ayres Associates, earlier this year.
Due to the project estimate coming in higher than anticipated, village staff decided to separate the tennis courts out of the project and include it as an alternate bid item.
MCC, Inc. came in with the low bid of $327,897 and was awarded the combined contracts.
“This project will be funded utilizing bonding and balances from Fund 47,” Clark said. “Fund 47 has a balance of $432,050 and will have a sufficient amount to cover all planned 2020 projects and the alternate bid from this project.”
The village would have an estimated balance of $62,800 in Fund 47 to carry over for projects in 2021.
The board also approved a request from Mau & Associates, LLP requesting site plan and design review for construction of two apartment buildings at 3231-3245 Riverside Drive, which is located just south of Advanced Eyecare Center and Compassus Hospice.
Several village residents spoke on the issue of privacy with the proposed apartment buildings.
“I’m OK with approving the request, as long as a satisfactory agreement can be made in regards to a barrier/berm being built to respect the privacy of neighbors,” said Village President Jim Rafter. “It would mainly be to the village’s satisfaction because no one is ever 100 percent happy when we are bringing two parties together.”
In other news:
• For the third consecutive election, the Village of Allouez captured the Voter Challenge trophy in the Gold Division from Project VOTE of Brown County with a 50.5 percent voter turnout. The Gold Division is designated for municipalities with 10,000 or more residents.
• The board approved a petition from Wisconsin Medical Credit Union requesting site plan and design for the construction of an office building at 1677 S. Webster Ave, which is located just south of Zambaldi Brewery.