By Kevin Boneske
Staff Writer
HOWARD – The pre-audit report for the Village Green Golf Course is showing an overall net profit for 2018.
In his end-of-the-year financial report to Howard village board, Chris Haltom, director of administrative services, indicated the golf course’s operating income of $8,308 is the best year of operations since Coaches Corner has no longer rented the course’s restaurant.
Haltom said the restaurant’s operating loss for 2018 was almost $35,000, a slight improvement from 2017, though he characterized last year’s restaurant bottom line as a “disappointment” with the restaurant bringing in less revenue while also having fewer expenses after changing the menu.
He also noted the course’s golf operations yielded operating income of $40,181, which he called a “good report for the year.”
Haltom pointed out the golf operations were profitable despite having about $30,000 more in expenses for the year with more fertilizer and seed being used last year.
He previously reported to the board about bare spots appearing on the course last summer after a certain type of grass died when there was hot weather in June and the fairways didn’t get enough water.
The unaudited report lists overall expenses for 2018 at $542,329, which is $61 higher than the previous year.
However, total revenue last year increased by more than $16,000 to $550,637.
For 2017, the course reported an overall net loss of $7,809 with the restaurant having an operating loss of almost $40,000, while the golf operations earned about $32,200.
Last year, the village board increased greens fees at the course for the first time since March 2016 with the nine-hole regular daily greens fee increasing by 75 cents to $17.25 and the league/senior rate going up by 50 cents to $15. The board also set the membership fee for 2018 at $250.
Village Green also saw a change in management in 2018 with Jim Boockmeier, who previously owned a golf course in Two Rivers, taking over as the new golf course manager and Nic Madsen, whose previous position was a bartender/cook at Legend Larry’s on University Avenue in Green Bay, taking over as the restaurant manager.