Thursday, September 19, 2024

Two on the ballot for Seymour school board


By Press Times Staff

SEYMOUR – Two Black Creek residents are running for an open seat on the Seymour school board April 6.

The Press Times emailed both candidates the same questions and gave them 150 words to respond to each.

Jenny McCollian

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My husband and I have lived in Black Creek for the past 13 years, and we have two kids in the Seymour Community School District.

We enjoy camping, gardening and taking care of our chickens, goats and cats.

Jenny McCollian

Why are you running for the Seymour school board?

I am running for Seymour Community School District school board because I want to be more involved in the decisions that impact the students, faculty and taxpayers of our community.

There are so many moving parts to every decision made, and I like to look at both sides of an issue and try to figure out the solution that will be the best for everyone.

As a parent, I can get the opinions of the students and also keep an open line of communication with the school staff, as well as listen to concerns from community members and make sure that all viewpoints are brought to the board for discussion.

I look at this position as a way to give back to the community and make our school the best that it can be.

Beth Schmalz

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My passion is helping people learn and grow.

As a wife, mom, grandma and friend, I love seeing people stretch, becoming someone they never thought they could be.

In my current role as a digital technology portfolio coordinator for a multinational person care corporation, I’m a member of a learning council which provides training opportunities to employees, keeping their skills fresh, relevant and current.

Belonging to St. Mary’s in Black Creek, I’ve had the honor of helping the education community.

Serving as the treasurer and president of the Seymour Water Warrior swim club not only has provided great experience for myself, but I also loved to witness swimmers progress.

I’ve also led a Black Creek Library Girls who Code group (sixth-eighth grade) for those interested in learning about STEM careers.

More pride is gained by helping others achieve their goals than by obtaining my own.

Beth Schmalz

Why are you running for the Seymour school board?

The Seymour community is encouraged to voice thoughts, concerns, goals and desires to the school district.

A school board member has the added responsibilities of involvement in the full decision-making process, including annual budgets and policy setting.

They are in a position to advocate for all 2,500 students, helping ensure each student has an opportunity to graduate with the skills necessary to be successful in the new technology-driven global economy.

If I were elected, I would approach this position with an open mind, readiness to listen/learn, and a commitment to quality education with a cost control balance in a safe environment.

I am driven to ensure the community is receiving a good return on their investment and would like the opportunity to ensure the district thrives by helping drive efficient, effective and ethical operations, leaving as many funds as possible for enhanced educational opportunities for each student.

Beth Schmalz, Jenny McCollian, Seymour school board, Seymour school district