Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tech Nights for families in Ashwaubenon School District meet with success


By Annette Aubinger


ASHWAUBENON – As part of a new program the Ashwaubenon School District’s Technology & Engineering Education department is hosting a series of Tech Nights during the 2017-18 school year.

The Tech Nights offer opportunities for Ashwaubenon School District families to experience and learn about the basic skills that are taught in the district’s Technology and Engineering courses.

The sessions are open to all ages. Parent supervision is required.

“The Ashwaubenon School District Technology & Engineering Education team started the Tech Night program to increase awareness of district students and parents about future educational and career opportunities in S.T.E.M., manufacturing, and the construction trades, and to develop the skills employers are looking for in Northeast Wisconsin,” said AHS Technology and Engineering Teacher Dave Stroud.

Three sessions that have been held Stroud said has been met with great success.

Numbers include students, parents, and community members, as the district is trying to educate everyone on the skills, knowledge, and opportunities that can lead to future success, and that will help business and industry in Northeast Wisconsin. There has been some help at our last two events, as Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) has had a presence at events showcasing technology, skills, and training opportunities that are offered through their programs.

In September there was a woodworking event. There were about 70 people in attendance.

The October event was welding. It was held in the AHS Automotive & Welding Shop. There was almost 150 people in attendance. That Tech Night was timely since October was Manufacturing Month in Wisconsin.

The November event was 3D printing basics. The event was held at Park View Middle School on Nov. 5 and saw about 100 people.

In that session (3D printing) families went to the Parkview Tech Ed classroom to learn some basics about 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

Every student in attendance made a 3D cookie cutter. They designed the cookie cutter on their own on the computer. Since it takes 30-40 minutes to print on the 3D cutter, the cutters were delivered later.

Another activity that evening was assembling a balloon racer. Stidents could take the racer in the hallway to see how far it went. When they left for the evening each family was given a Jaguar paw cookie cutter made in the 3D printing class at Parkview School.

Stroud said they decided to start the program for a few reasons:

• To bring awareness of the types of skills students can learn in Technology & Engineering courses

• To bring awareness to students/parents of the post-secondary and career opportunities that the program can lead to

• To give students/parents/community members an opportunity to see and work in the district’s facilities

• To give back to the Ashwaubenon community that has always been a strong supporter of the schools.

Date, topic, location

Dec. 20 Woodworking 101: Holiday Decorations AHS Woodshop, Rm 155

Jan. 17 CNC Basics AHS Beau

x Mettler Innovation Center, Rm 142

Feb. Design Process to Solve Problems AHS Beaux Mettler Innovation Center, Rm 142

March 21 Lawnmower Tune-up AHS Automotive & Welding Shop, Rm 148

April 18 Car Care Basics AHS Automotive & Welding Shop, Rm 148

May 23 Woodworking 101: Tic-Tac-Toe Game AHS Woodshop, Rm 155

For more information, contact Stroud at 920-492-2955 extension 5151 or