Sunday, September 15, 2024

Site plan approved for Fosber America addition


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

ASHWAUBENON – A site plan for Fosber America to build a 24,850-square-foot addition to its existing building at 1333 Parkview Road was approved Tuesday, April 21, by the village’s Site Plan Review Committee.

Community Development Aaron Schuette said the building addition at the southeast corner of Parkview Road and Commodity Lane will be used primarily for Fosber office and shop purposes.

He said it will extend the south wall of the building approximately 60 feet to the south into an existing asphalt area, which will be extended 15 feet to the south.

Schuette said there will be a small addition to the parking lot to account for the loading dock behind the building, as well as façade improvements to the front.

He said the site will maintain approximately 13 percent greenspace, more than the required 10 percent minimum.

Schuette said the addition’s exterior materials will be consistent with the existing building with metal wall panels with concealed fasteners and an exterior insulation and finish system.

NWS balloon station

The committee also backed a site plan for the National Weather Service to relocate its existing weather balloon station, which is used to fill and launch weather balloons.

It will move from its current location near the intersection of South Point Road and State Highway 172 to a vacant parcel approximately 300 feet east of the NWS building at 2485 South Point Road.

Schuette said the relocation, which is being done to accommodate redevelopment at the current location, was agreed to by Austin Straubel International Airport.

“The building itself will remain the same in terms of the building,” he said. “It’s just picking it up and replacing it on top of a new foundation.”

Though an exception was sought to the village code to allow for a gravel drive to the relocated weather balloon station until future development of the parcel, the committee’s approval included a condition to have the drive paved because of dust concerns.

“I think (paving) should be done, because if it’s not done, it will be forgotten about…,” said Trustee Gary Paul. “If we don’t blacktop that short road, it will never get blacktopped.”

Aaron Schuette, Ashwaubenon Site Plan Review Committee and Plan Commission, Fosber America, Gary Paul, National Weather Service, village of Ashwaubenon