Monday, October 14, 2024

Shelter facility zoning change sought in Ashwaubenon


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

ASHWAUBENON – The village board will be asked at its May 26 meeting to amend the zoning code to allow shelter facilities for the homeless.

The Ashwaubenon Plan Commission recommended the amendment at its meeting, Tuesday, May 5.

Community Development Director Aaron Schuette said the proposed change is in response to village staff being approached by a homeless shelter about property in the village.

He said the zoning code currently does not have a definition or an allowable zoning district for such a use.

Schuette said the proposed zoning definition and table of allowable uses would clarify potential locations for a facility defined as a “temporary place of lodging for homeless individuals or homeless families.”

He said the change to the zoning code would allow a shelter to be considered a transitional facility.

Schuette said the proposed amendment would designate a shelter facility as a conditional use within the R-3 multi-family residence, I-1 light industry and I-2 heavy industry zoning districts, which would be the same as the village code currently defines a transitional facility.

He said a shelter would be neither a permitted nor a conditional use in the village’s other zoning districts upon the amendment being approved.

Panda Express CSM

In other action, the commission approved a two-lot certified survey map (CSM) at the Bay Park Square Mall by the Anderson Drive entrance to accommodate additional development for a Panda Express restaurant.

The CSM is conditioned on approval by the Brown County Planning Commission.

A Planned Unit Development amendment to permit the CSM and allow the Panda Express was approved last July by the village board.

Aaron Schuette, Ashwaubenon Site Plan Review Committee and Plan Commission, Ashwaubenon Village Board, homeless shelter, Panda Express, village of Ashwaubenon