By Patrick J. Wood
Dear Reader,
If you think back to kindergarten, what were we always told?
That sharing is good.
How timeless, and how true.
Sharing calls us to a high standard of conduct: To put others before ourselves, to think of how we might be of service to those around us, and to try to relieve another’s suffering in whatever way we might be able to.
Living by this principle is its own reward, in a life filled with love given and received.
One could command the riches of Croesus and yet still be poor if he was too emotionally crippled to share his bounty with others.
Another person, though less affluent, might be enriched beyond words by the wonder and beauty of a shared moment of peace with a loved one during a sunrise or sunset, or while watching an eagle wheel overhead, or even when just listening to the crickets.
It’s time to listen.
I think I hear some crickets... right... now.