Mady Schroeder is a senior member of the Bay Port volleyball team. “Mads” as her friends call her, plans to attend college for teaching, but is not quite sure where she will go yet. A possibility is McHenry County College in Illinois.
Name: Mady Schroeder
Nickname: Mads
Parents: Diane & Lee
School: Bay Port
Sport: volleyball
Twitter: @Mady_S11
Congrats on being the player of the match against Ashwaubenon! That’s a big honor. “I’ve been waiting for ‘my moment’ to have some of those amazing digs, so I was really looking forward to the Ashwaubenon match. I knew they had big hitters and I just wanted it to be that day.”
You did a nice job in the post-game interview, too! “Yeah, I was really nervous for that, because I really don’t like being on video!”
Speaking of that match, you had like three or four digs on Maddie Koch fastballs from the other side of the net. “I knew I had to work hard to get up all those digs on her. Coach (Baier) brought in some bigger hitters to practice to help me prepare.”
Would you say she’s one of the best players you’ve played against? “Yes, she is probably the hardest hitter I’ve ever played against. She was even good last year.”
Did you ever do any other sports besides volleyball? “I did bowling my freshman year, but then I decided I wanted to concentrate on volleyball.”
Why bowling? “It just kind of runs in my family. My grandpa bowled when he was young, then my dad, mom and uncle as well.”
What is your best game? “Maybe 200?”
You’d beat me by 100 points with that score! “That’s funny.”
How about a sport you wish you could have played in high school? “I always wanted to be in dance, but then I decided I wanted to follow in my older sister’s footsteps and play volleyball.”
Have you ever played beach volleyball? “I have and I really like it! It’s fun. I played with Maura (McGinnity). It’s harder to jump and stuff, but it’s really fun.”
What’s it like playing for Coach Baier? “It’s fun because he can make it fun when it needs to be, but when we need to focus and be on the court, he does that, too. He has a good balance.”
You’re a libero…explain what that is! “A libero is someone that can move around a lot and is pretty much the best passer on the team. I’m considered a defensive specialist.”
Have you ever had a kill shot? “I have this year! It was a bad set and I just hit it. I actually took a full swing at it and it just went over.”
Do you have an embarrassing volleyball moment? “It was freshman year I was going to pass a ball and instead I tripped over my foot and landed on my face. I didn’t even get the ball up.”
How about a most memorable volleyball moment? “Beating Ashwaubenon last year and this year. Last year playing with my sister in set five, I set her up and she got the kill to win the match. This year just winning in a sweep was exciting.”
What is something about you most people don't know? “I cannot hear out of my left ear. I can hear sounds, but I don’t know what they’re saying. I was born with it. I tried to wear a headband that could help me hear out of that ear, but I didn’t like it.”
What are some of your hobbies? "I like to hang with my friends and go to movies.”
Which teammate should have her own reality TV show? “(Sisters) Bri or Brooke Clement. They are just so funny.”
Tiny house or tree house? “Tiny house.”
Fruits or veggies? "Fruits.”
Lie on the beach or ski down the slopes? “Lie on the beach.”
Reading or writing? “Reading.”
Puppies or kittens? “Kittens.”
What will you miss most about Bay Port? “I’m for sure going to miss my teammates because we are so close. I’ll also miss my teachers here; it feels like such a safe place.”
Food: spaghetti pie
Athlete: (volleyball player) Matt Anderson
Subject: college math
Cereal: Frosted Flakes
App: Snapchat
Coach Brendan Baier’s comments: “Mady is just an awesome young lady. She brings such a strong work ethic to practice and games and is looked at as a leader both on the court and off. Off the court, she is one of the nicest girls you will ever meet. She is a true example of what a student-athlete should be and will definitely be missed next season.”
Notes: suggestions for the Senior Spotlight can be submitted to Rich via email ( or by Twitter (@richpalzewic)… all spotlights can be found online at Check out last week’s spotlight on Bay Port girls’ tennis player Rachel Ceaglske.
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