Bay Port senior Joy Gichobi (submitted photo).
Joyce “Joy” Gichobi is a senior at Bay Port who is actively involved with clubs. Joy moved to the United States in 2006 from Kenya and came to Bay Port as a freshman in 2015.
She plans to attend NWTC and go into nursing, or UWGB is another option. In her free time she likes to hang out with her friends.
Name: Joyce Gichobi
Nickname: Joy
Parents: Mary & Joseph
School: Bay Port
Clubs/activities: FIDM Club, Sting Cancer, YSL, Knitting for Peace, International Club, choir and the school store.
Twitter: @joy_gichobi
How do you pronounce your last name? “Gee-cho-bee.”
You were born in Kenya? “I came to the US in 2006 when I was 6 years old. We had just planned to stay for a year because my dad was going to school in River Falls, but then I got sick with a brain tumor.”
Brain tumor? “I started having bad headaches because liquid was starting to build up in my brain. The first surgery was right after they discovered it … I had a shunt put in. I had radiation and chemo. In 2008 the tumor came back and I had another surgery … more chemo and radiation.”
What is the prognosis? “We are monitoring it. The tumor is bigger now, but I don’t seem to have any effects of that. We need to keep a close eye on it. They can take out pieces of the tumor, but it’s in an area where if they took it all out it would affect me in some areas. I’m pushing through.”
You’ve moved around quite a bit! “Yes! I finished out my elementary and middle school years in Ames, Iowa, but then my mom got a job at UWGB as a professor.”
The weather is way different here compared to Kenya! “It is! I don’t like the cold, but I don’t mind sledding. I haven’t tried skiing or snowboarding.”
How do you like Bay Port and this area? “It’s busy! I like the small town a little better, but there are so many opportunities here.”
You are involved in a lot of clubs! “I’ve put myself in a lot of activities because I didn’t get that opportunity when I was younger. I’m a happy person and getting involved has helped me meet people.”
Do you have any siblings? “I have a younger sister named Mercy who is a sophomore at Bay Port. My younger brother Eric is in third grade at Howard Elementary.”
Have you ever done any high school sports at Bay Port? “I participated in JV basketball for a year, but it became stressful so I just focused on school.”
Let’s talk about knitting. “I am really involved. I am the treasurer of the club. I started with a basic scarf, and then I graduated to hats and loom knitting. Now I am trying socks.”
When did you know you liked knitting? “When I was a freshman. I was so nervous about the transition from middle school to high school, but I had also just moved from Ames to Green Bay. I was really unfamiliar with the school district. I heard about the club through Mrs. Belden.”
Is there something about you most people wouldn’t know? “I love being African and embracing my culture! I taught my choir class a song from Kenya and my mom came in.”
If you could be someone for a day, who would it be? “I would want to be singer Beyoncé. I love her songs and I would just love to hear what inspires her to write them. I also feel she lives an interesting life.”
What three words would describe you? “Energetic, ambitious, compassionate.”
How about your favorite family vacation? “We don’t travel too much, but we do go to Iowa a lot because my dad still works down there. We also visit Colorado because we have a close family friend down there.”
Is there a place you’d like to go? “I’d want to go back to Kenya and see family again.”
How many times have you gone back? “I haven’t gone back! My dad goes back about every other year. We talk to Grandma and Grandpa when we can.”
How about a place in the USA you’d like to visit? “I want to go to New York City, Washington D.C. and Florida.”
Is there a teacher/staff member at Bay Port that has influenced you the most? “Mrs. Broehm (child development), Mrs. King (fashion & design) and Mrs. Taylor (social studies).”
How will Joy Gichobi be remembered at Bay Port? “I think I am a happy person that just tries to make the best out of every situation. I just try to live up to my name.”
Cats or dogs? “Either or.”
Chocolate or vanilla? “Vanilla.”
Sledding or biking? “biking.”
Tree house or tiny house? “Tree house.”
The beach or the mountains? “Mountains.”
Subject: math
Food: Pizza
Candy: Twix
Holiday: Christmas
Phone app: Instagram
Notes: Suggestions for the senior spotlight can be submitted to Rich via email ( or via Twitter (@richpalzewic). All spotlights can be found online at Check out last week’s spotlight on Sofia Draghicchio.
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