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Senior Spotlight: Hannah Hassler




Hannah Hassler is a senior at Bay Port High School. Hannah plans to possibly attend NTWC, Fox Valley Tech or Madison Area Technical College to study Digital Marketing & Media. She was an intern for Packerland Pride this past football season. To see some of Hannah’s photos, find “Packerland Pride” on Facebook.

Name: Hannah Hassler

Nickname: Hannah Banana, Garbage Gut

Parents: Peter & Beth

School: Bay Port

Twitter: @hannahhhassler

Garbage Gut? “Yep! I can eat a lot. That one spreads around quite a bit now that I think about it.”

Do you have any siblings? “I have a 24-year-old sister named Chantelle and a 22-year-old brother named Pierce.”

Have you ever done any high school sports at Bay Port? “I did cross country from my freshman year through my junior year, but I didn’t join my senior year. I got a job instead. I have good experiences from it.”

Since no sports, how about any clubs? “I’m in the choir. I used to be in the Youth Service Learning (YSL) club – that’s where we would sign up to volunteer hours each week in the community, whether it is bell ringing or babysitting. Last year we went to Milwaukee and performed with the symphony.”

Are you a good singer? “I’d say I’m pretty good. I made it into vocal ensemble, which is a 16-person group.”

What is something about you most people wouldn’t know? “I can open a refrigerator with my shoulder blade!”

What?! “Yeah, I just hook it in there and pull it open!”

What three words would best describe you? “Humble, silly, fun-natured.”

I hear that you’re quite the photographer! Where did you pick that up? “Going way back, I got my first camera probably when I was in elementary school. Just a few years ago I started fidgeting with our camera and taking photos outside our house because we have owls and deer. Last year I took a photography class and started taking pics at soccer games and the solar eclipse.”

How about your favorite family vacation? “We’ve gone out West for two weeks, otherwise our trips to Colorado and Key West. Those vacations were nature-based and that’s what I remember most. I like mountains, trails, state parks and camping.”

Is there a place you’d like to go? “I always think like Montana or Utah would be nice.”

If you could have lunch with any person, who would it be? “I’d want to meet my dad’s dad (my grandpa) because I never got to meet him. He passed away when my dad was 18.”

Do you have any bad habits? “I could literally let my alarm go off for hours! That’s a good one. I won’t wake up to it because I am a heavy sleeper. I also seem to be accident prone. I’ve broken my nose a couple of times, cut my foot at work and I’ve been attacked by bees several times. It seems to come so easy to me!”

What people have had the most influence on you? “My parents. They are always there for me and support what I want to study and have a passion for.”

Is there a teacher/staff member at Bay Port that has influenced you the most? “Mr. Vander Velden. I’ve never had him as a teacher, but he’s helped me pursue what I want to do.”

What will you miss most about Bay Port? “I’ll miss my friends and teachers the most.”

How will Hannah Hassler be remembered at Bay Port? “Probably as a hard-working, charismatic person but also someone who is fun.”

Cats or dogs? “Definitely dogs. I will have a household of them someday.”

Chocolate or vanilla? “Chocolate.”

The dishes or vacuuming? “Vacuuming.”

Tree house or tiny house? “Tree house.”

The beach or the mountains? “The mountains.”


Subject: Digital Marketing

Food: there’s so many – I just like food!

Candy: Kit Kat, Almond Joy

Holiday: Easter

Phone app: Instagram

Dave Vander Velden's comments: "Hannah is an amazing young woman that will thrive in her bright future. She will be attending a tech college to pursue her passion of photography and graphic design. She has the drive and ability to thrive at a four-year college, but has decided that pursuing her passion is more important than following the crowds. Hannah does what is right for her and others. She is the best possible version of herself every day and her great smile lights up the room."

Notes: suggestions for the Senior Spotlight can be submitted to Rich via email ( or by Twitter (@richpalzewic)… all spotlights can be found online at Check out last week’s spotlight on Bay Port boys’ basketball player Daniel King.

Bay Port High School, Hannah Hassler, Pirate Pride, Senior Spotlight


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