Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rome Historical Society hosts talk on ‘Black River Canal’


ROME — The Rome Historical Society, will host a program about the history of the Black River Canal at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 11.

The Black River Canal ran from Rome north to Lyons Falls. This feeder canal system connected the Erie Canal to the Black River and had profound economic impact on Rome and other communities where the canal flowed through.

In the city of Rome, the Black River Canal was filled in and is known today as Black River Boulevard. Sections of the original canal system are still visible in parts of Oneida County.

William Engelbrecht, history teacher in the Adirondack School District, along with high school seniors Luke Brach and Sam McPhilmy, will present on the history of the Black River Canal.

Engelbrecht is a former employee of the Black River Canal Museum in Boonville and has an interest in local history.

This program will discuss the construction, the main uses, and legacy that the Black River Canal left behind.

The Rome Historical Society is located at 200 Church St.

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