Monday, September 9, 2024

Resurfacing program in Howard approved for 2019


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

HOWARD – Of the $1,013,000 in planned expenditures for the village’s pavement resurfacing in 2019, $427,000 is being earmarked for resurfacing Riverview Drive from Cardinal Lane to Velp Avenue.

At its only meeting last month on Dec. 10, the Howard village board approved the 2019 pavement resurfacing program, which is part of a five-year plan that calls for around $1 million in annual funding for road resurfacing.

In his report to the board, Geoff Farr, director of public works, stated the village’s five-year program is adjusted each year based on paving condition ratings and traffic volume/roadway classification with all of Howard’s roads rated in 2017.

Farr noted resurfacing project funds are used to pay for street pavement, crack sealing and sidewalk repairs and may include parking lots and trail paving work as appropriate.

Along with the Riverview Drive, $150,000 is earmarked for work on portions of Garden Ridge Trail, Heartland Terrace and Wood Berry Terrance with another $82,500 designated for Lavender Lane and Tulip Lane between Cardinal and Alta.

Other projects for 2019 include $10,200 for the parking lot surface at Duck Creek Quarry Park.

Farr also reported the village now has 110 miles of pavement with an effective lifespan of 22-27 years, for which 4.4 miles of pavement should be replaced annually to maintain the current pavement conditions.

Based on a cost of about $375,000 to resurface the average street in Howard, Farr said the level of funding should be $1.65 million per year for 4.4 miles.

Farr noted resurfacing has been discussed at previous budget meetings and is being affected by large reconstruction projects such as Lineville Road and Shawano Avenue, which is scheduled for 2022-24.

As a result, he said resurfacing projects have been reduced to around $1 million annually for 2018-20.

Cardinal Lane, Geoff Farr, resurfacing, Riverview Drive, Velp Avenue, Village of Howard