By Kevin Boneske
Staff Writer
HOBART – Though Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach did not show up to speak Tuesday, Feb. 4, after being invited to a village board meeting, county officials expressed an interest in speaking with Hobart officials about more than the planned County Trunk VV interchange at State Highway 29.
In a letter to the board and Village Administrator Aaron Kramer from Deputy County Executive Jeff Flynt, he said Streckenbach thanked them for the invitation, but felt a meeting at the county executive’s office “would be more productive for discussing a number of issues that are important to Hobart including the future of the Highway 29-VV Interchange.”
“I respectfully request that the village administrator, along with two representatives of your board and any other staff members, meet with us to talk through a number of outstanding items like airport land, trail development, and the future of the Highway 29-VV land development,” Flynt wrote.
In response, Village President Rich Heidel said “there has to be some thought given, as to who is going and when and where,” because of the highway interchange project.
“It’s unfortunate that Mr. Streckenbach is not here tonight…,” Heidel said. “I just think for us to sit here right now and decide who is going and when and where and what we’re going to talk about is ill-founded… One example is do we or do we not bring our attorney with us.”
Village officials have been critical of the county entering into an agreement with the Oneida Nation for an easement to access the interchange on land the tribe purchased in Hobart and also on the reservation.
The board decided to further discuss the meeting in closed session, with that being on the agenda following the open session items.
Polling place
In other action, the board approved a lease agreement with St. Joseph’s Church to continue to use the church premises for the village’s polling place in 2020.
The agreement calls for increasing the payments made by the village to the church by $50 per election to $300.
After holding a public hearing in which no one spoke, the board approved a request from Eric, Bryan and Jody Elbe to rezone two parcels in the 800 block of Fernando Drive from A-2 (Exclusive Agricultural District) to A-1 (Agricultural District).
Todd Gerbers, director of planning and code compliance, said the rezoning will allow a house to be built on one of the properties while animals may still be raised there.
Other closed session action
Coming out of closed session, the board approved a 2-percent increase in the annual compensation of Jerry Lancelle, public works director and fire chief, retroactive to Jan. 1.
It also approved the hiring of Erica Berger as interim village clerk/treasurer, effective April 24, with an increase in her salary of $400 per week ($10 per hour) and one additional week of vacation, which will be granted upon the conclusion of her tenure as interim village clerk/treasurer.