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Plan Commission backs zoning for Phase II of Titletown District


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

ASHWAUBENON – An ordinance to create a planned unit development (PUD) overlay zoning district for Phase II of the Titletown District west of Lambeau Field was recommended Monday, Nov. 5, by the village’s Plan Commission.

Ashwaubenon Community Development Director Aaron Schuette informed the commission that the proposed Phase II project, located on 20.69 acres of land immediately west of where the Titletown District’s Phase I development has taken place, calls for a mixture of residential (townhouses, stacked flats, apartment units) and commercial (office, retail, restaurant, entertainment) buildings, along with surface and “podium” parking, plaza and green space areas.

Schuette noted the PUD would permit the desired mixture of uses and varied dimensional standards.

“The PUD itself is meant to be a framework of sorts, within which all the individual site plans for all the buildings will fit into place,” he said. “The detail for all the individual buildings will come through site plan review, similar to what we’ve done in the past, for instance, for Titletown Tech (in the Phase I process).”

Schuette said the conditions of approval as recommended by village staff include:

• Coordinating with the Ashwaubenon Department of Public Works regarding a development agreement for planned public improvements to Brookwood Drive and Marlee Lane.

• Coordinating with the village’s Public Works Department regarding state and local storm water management requirements.

• Using the “Titletown Phase II – Fire Protection Diagram” as the approved plan to be included with the PUD submission site drawings.

• Providing detailed landscape plans when submitting for individual building site plan approvals.

• Determining the appropriate means to access and maintain the planned landscaping on the south side of the fencing for the townhomes on the south side of Brookwood Drive.

Schuette said the bicycle and pedestrian-related staff recommendations include having additional bicycle parking at the “M” entrance to the podium parking and installing a HAWK pedestrian crossing system at South Ridge Road between Lambeau Field and the Titletown District.

“The HAWK system is meant to be an enhancement to the existing flashing yellow lights that tend to get washed out when you have blue skies, especially in daytime…,” he said. “It’s meant to create a stop condition for vehicles.”

Schuette said a large video display board that had been planned as part of the PUD has now been removed at the request of the developer.

“It may come back in the future, but it’s not in at this time,” he said.

Commission members also heard from Michael Cantor of Sterling Project Development, the project manager for the Titletown District.

“The vision for Phase II was to build upon what we think has been a really good start to the Titletown development,” Cantor said. “At its core, the development still has public space, and you’ll notice through the center of the development we’re adding on to the six acres that already exist to have public space at the heart of the development.”

Titletown Development LLC, the Green Bay Packers’ real estate development arm, formally announced plans Oct. 3 for the proposed Phase II business and residential real estate development with approximately 220 residences and a four-to-five-story office building.

The announced plans call for building the residences at the site along Brookwood Drive and include up to 150 units in an apartment building, ranging from studios to three-bedroom units, with the remaining 70-90 residences being a mix of three different styles of townhomes available for ownership.

The proposed office building, with a planned location along Lombardi Avenue and Marlee Lane, would consist of approximately 130,000 square feet of space and feature capacity for up to 400 workers.

In addition to the office building, the project plans for Phase II also include another approximately 100,000 square feet for future development, which could involve retail, food and beverage, and entertainment.

When asked about the possibility of the townhomes becoming “party homes,” Cantor said the townhomes would be part of a homeowners’ association with the Green Bay Packers, through Titletown, having certain restrictive rights in the document all homeowners who enter into that arrangement would have to abide by.

“We don’t want party homes up on websites like VRBO, anything of that nature, so there’s going to be non-advertising covenants,” he said. “It will all be privately restricted and controlled by the team. So the intention is for there would be users there on an everyday basis. We’re trying to create a neighborhood, but I’m sure there will be some people who will use it as more of a weekend place, or a place to gather on game day.”

Upon approval by the village, Cantor said ground would be broken next spring for Phase II of the Titletown District.

The village’s Site Plan Review Committee is scheduled to review the project at its Nov. 20 meeting before it goes to the village board Nov. 27.

Aaron Schuette, Ashwaubenon, Green Bay Packers, Michael Cantor, PUD, Titletown District


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