Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Pulaski, Gianna Logue volleyball and soccer


By Greg Bates

Name: Gianna Logue

Parents: Kelly and Tony Logue

Activity: Volleyball and track and field

Nicknames: G

Twitter: @GiannaLogue05

Gianna has been playing soccer since she’s been able to walk. She started volleyball after her eighth-grade year after she quit gymnastics. She fell in love with the sport. Her mom played college soccer at Carroll University. Also, Gianna’s dad played two sports, football and baseball, at Carroll and is in the school’s athletics hall of fame.

You’re still really new to volleyball. Are you still learning a lot each match you play?

“Yeah. Every day I go to practice, I’m learning something new, learning something to help me. You have to be smart to play volleyball, so I think that’s where the learning comes in so beneficial when playing volleyball. Being so new to it, it took a lot of learning in order to have some sort of success.”

With your mom playing college volleyball, did you want to follow in her footsteps and have her help you?

“I don’t think follow in her footsteps, but I feel like that motivates me more to be like, oh, I can do this and if I work hard enough maybe I can do it better. I think it’s motivation more so than doing what she did.”

What’s it like to jockey two sports?

“It’s a lot. It’s a lot of time. It’s a lot in the classroom. But I do think it teaches you a lot of time management skills. This fall, I was playing high school volleyball and then club soccer on top of it, so I wouldn’t get home until 9:30 at night and I would take a shower, eat supper and work on my homework. But I wouldn’t want it any other way. It teaches me to prioritize what needs to get done. If I have a paper due, that’s what I’m going to do as soon as I’m done with practices.”

Who do you play club soccer for? Is that season still going?

“I play for Wisconsin FC United here in Appleton. We’re still playing. We’re done Nov. 20, that weekend. We go down to Indiana for a huge showcase and then our season concludes.”

Which is your favorite sport, soccer or volleyball?

“Soccer’s my favorite sport. I’m planning on playing college soccer.”

Do you know where you’ll attend college?

“I have a couple ideas, some higher than others. But I think within the next two weeks I’ll probably make my decision. But I’m not completely sure yet.”

Do you want to say where you are looking?

“Well, I’m still waiting on some applications, so I don’t really have a primary (school). I want to see how their admissions work, because I value my education. I want to go to the school for the school and not for soccer.”

What college level do you hope to play at?

“I’m thinking I’m sticking to Division III, that’s where I want to play. And I want to study law. I’ve been in contact, but I’ve kind of closed some doors that I don’t feel really fit my academic path.”

What specific area would you like to focus on as a lawyer?

“I want to get my law degree and then potentially work in some big professional sports organization, so whether that would be the Packers, the Bucks, hopefully somewhere around home. But I want to work in that and hopefully work up the ranks eventually.”

Is that cool to know as a 17-year-old you know what you want your professional path to be like?

“I think so. For me, I always need to set goals for myself that are reachable, so I think knowing makes me want to work a little bit harder towards that than just walking into school and being undecided. I think knowing what I want to do and knowing my goals puts me on a more straight path to success.”

What do you like to do when you have free time?

“Probably just the normal teenage things. I like to hang out with my friends. One thing we all like to do is we like to go eat at like fancy restaurants and try their food. That’s something we do a lot on the weekends. Or just drive around and whatever. I don’t have a lot of free time.”

Do you have some specific hobbies?

“I’m involved in a lot of clubs too here, so the clubs are my hobbies. I’m an NHS (National Honor Society) officer, so I do a lot of volunteer work for that. Then my mom started a nonprofit organization called Team Teddy of Wisconsin. She goes to hospitals and she makes like a stuffed animal — kind of like the Build-A-Bear experience — with her in the hospital room. It’s really cool. Along with that, we do a lot of fundraisers for people in need in the community. We do a lot of cancer nights, Dig Pink nights for volleyball, Box Out Breast Cancer for basketball. It’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work.”

What’s it like to be involved with volunteer work and see it reap benefits for others?

“I think the biggest thing is just seeing the smile at the end of the day from those families. It may not be completely paying off their medical bills, but just the little amounts of things we can give them are like the little dinner packages we make. Whatever it may be, just to see how appreciative they are. And just like knowing that we were ever in need, there’s people out there that are willing to go the extra step and help out. I think it’s really cool just to see it all in like a full circle aspect.”

What’s the favorite place you’ve traveled to in your life?

“We’re big on the beaches, so Florida, California, Mexico. Those are our top vacation spots.”

If you had to pick one spot, which would it be?

“Definitely, Cozumel, Mexico. That was my favorite. They have so much more than just like a beach there. It has the atmosphere and it’s warm and it’s on the beach. It’s kind of just a win-win.”

What’s the most important thing in your life right now?

“My family. Definitely, my family. Whether it would be them supporting me with academics, athletics or just me as a person, they’re definitely the most important thing.”

What do you like about school?

“I love the social aspect, but I also love the connections you can like make with your teachers.”

What’s your favorite subject in school?

“I like social science. I was in human geography and now I’m in criminal justice and AP gov, and those are some of my favorite classes.”

Gianna Logue, Pulaski High School, Senior Spotlight, track and field, volleyball