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Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Maren Parks – Green Bay East clubs


By Murray Gleffe


Name: Maren Parks

Parents: Lori and Gregory Parks

Nickname: Mar

Maren Parks is a senior at Green Bay East.

She has participated in Rhapsody in Red (show choir), musicals, plays, student council, academic decathlon, school newspaper and flute choir.

She said making people's lives better is important to her.

What’s it like being a leader at East?

“Being a senior leader is equal parts stressful and rewarding.”

What’s your most memorable moment?

“At the Center Stage musical awards. Last year's musical at East was ‘Billy Elliot,’ and it was nominated for the best musical award. Our cast had the chance to get together and perform one of our big numbers at the awards show, which took place at the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center.”

What was the last experience that made you stronger?

“Last year, when I took Advanced Placement Music Theory. At the end of the year, the teacher had us redo one of our earliest activities from the beginning of the year to show us how much we had improved. It proved the hard work and struggles were worth it.”

What advice do you have for kids who are struggling in school?

“There’s no shame in asking for help. So many people refuse to ask for help when they need it because they believe it makes them weak because they can’t do it themselves. This is untrue and one of the most difficult lessons I’ve learned throughout my high school career.”

If you could be somebody for a day, who would it be?

“Jeff Bezos, because he makes so much money per minute I could donate it to various organizations and help others. I could also buy a bunch of unused homes and give them to homeless people and give more than a million dollars to food pantries and other organizations.”

What’s one thing other people don't know about you?

“I love watching volleyball and have since I was little. I'm awful playing it, but I won't stop trying.”

If you could witness any event – past, present or future – what would it be?

“I would like to see the day world peace is achieved. It seems like it will never happen, and I have been told by many people that fighting is a part of the human experience.”

Tell me about a time you laughed so hard, you cried.

“At Perkins, with a few of my friends from the musical, after we finished our show. We were talking about nothing and telling dumb jokes, and I was the happiest I had been in a long while.”

What are your college aspirations?

“I was accepted into Northern Michigan University. I plan to major in either biochemistry or writing, as well as minoring in dance.”

What’s on your wish list in the next five years?

“I would like to be successful in college, try out and hopefully make it into a few musicals and shows, write songs, travel to different countries, see some of my favorite bands in concert and be accepted into graduate school.”

What are your hobbies?

“I love reading, writing, singing, figure skating, dancing, watching television, trying to play volleyball and playing video games.”

What’s your favorite type of music?

“I listen to everything from Chopin to Imagine Dragons, so it’s difficult to choose.”

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

“When people ask me to do something and then ask me every 30 seconds if I'm done yet. They haven't even given me the time to do the task they asked for.”

What four words describe you?

“Determined, kind, creative, ambitious.”

What’s an ability you wish you had?

“Speak fluently in the languages I am trying to learn. I’m sure I will get to that point someday, but it seems far off, and I want it to come sooner.”

What’s your favorite trip ever taken?

“I went to Costa Rica with my school's Spanish program, and it was amazing. I had lots of opportunities to practice the language and to experience the nature-centered culture that exists in Costa Rica.”

Do you have a favorite quote?

“Albert Einstein said, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.’”

Nevada for skiing or Arizona for ziplining?

“Arizona, because I love ziplining.”

Best concert attended?

“Summerfest last year when I saw Imagine Dragons. They had been one of my favorite bands since before they came out with their first album, and I was recently listening to extended play songs on YouTube.”

What’s the last joke you recall?

“Did you hear oxygen went on a date with magnesium?”


Food: Eggrolls

Subject: Music theory

Color: Mint green

Television show: “Sherlock”

City: New York

Household item: Book

Athlete: Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu

Holiday: Halloween

albert einstein, clubs, costa rica, green bay east, imagine dragons, maren parks, spanish, ziplining


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