By Rich Palzewic
Sports Editor
Grant Maus (MOSS) is a graduate of Bay Port High School who recently completed his baseball season with the Pirates.
Maus will be attending St. Norbert College and will study physical therapy and plans to play baseball.
In his spare time, he likes to hunt and fish.
Name: Grant Maus
Nickname: G
School: Bay Port
Sport: Baseball
Position: Outfield
Parents: Todd and Jill
Twitter: @GrantMaus1
Tell me about your family.
“I have two sisters – one older and one younger. Mikayla goes to St. Norbert and Maddie is a freshman at Bay Port. My mom is from the Sturgeon Bay area and my dad grew up here.”
Do you come from a sports family?
“Mikayla played soccer in high school, Maddie is into volleyball and is on a select soccer team and my dad played basketball, baseball and football.”
What is your earliest baseball memory?
“Winning ‘Pirate of the game’ at our state tournament when I was 14.”
What’s was it like playing for coach Simoens?
“He knows a lot about the game, which is nice. He coached us really well and knew how to correct what we were doing right. He’s been around for a long time.”
Was there a baseball teammate that would have made for a good reality TV show?
“Call Verlanic. He kind of looks like a dad, so I feel he could star as a dad in a TV series.”
Ever try any other sports while at Bay Port?
“I played basketball my freshman year.”
How about a high school sport you wish you had done?
“Football. I played Pop Warner, but I went away from it. I wish I would have stuck with it.”
Do you have an embarrassing sports moment?
“In a game against Wrightstown when I was 15, I stole second and thought it was a foul ball. I started walking back to first, but it wasn’t a foul ball. I was confused and got tagged out.”
What is something about you most people wouldn’t know?
“I have a white patch of hair on the back of my head. It’s a birthmark, and not many people know about it.”
Name a person that has made a big impact on your life.
“My Grandpa Steve. When I was younger, he worked a lot with me to get better. I really struggled with hitting at that age. I worked at it every day and started to get better.”
What three words best describe you?
“Funny, kind, outgoing.”
Tell me where you will be in 10 years.
“Hopefully graduated from Norbert with a nice job in physical therapy and living in a nice house.”
What would your dream job be?
“A fishing guide. I have thought about it, but there are so many guides out there and it’s hard to do.”
Name three things you will miss about Bay Port.
“Seeing all my friends, seeing and talking with the teachers and being with all my teammates from sports.”
How will Grant Maus be remembered at Bay Port?
“As a kid that always made people laugh.”
Sunrise or sunset?
Lie on the beach or ski down the slopes?
“Lie on the beach.”
Spring or fall?
Carpet or hardwood?
Fruits or veggies?
Athlete: NBA player Giannis Antetokounmpo
Candy: Snickers
Phone app: Snapchat
Holiday: Christmas
College mascot: Bucky the Badger
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