By Greg Bates
Sports Editor
Name: Gabe Herman
Parents: Jenny and Steve Herman
Activities: Football, basketball
Nicknames: Gabezilla, QB1
Twitter: @Gabe2Herman
Gabe Herman is entering his third season as the Redbirds’ starting quarterback and is garnering plenty of interest from colleges. Herman was also a starter on the conference-winning De Pere boys’ basketball team last winter.
Is it difficult being a starter in two sports that run back-to-back during the season?
“You could say it’s a little difficult on your body, but as far as competitive-wise, I love competing. Both sports bring out my competitive nature. I love both sports, to be honest with you. I love the camaraderie and bringing a team together. It’s a beautiful thing – watching it as well as playing it.”
Do you carry over leadership in football to basketball? If so, how do you do that?
“I feel like I’m a little bit different of a leader in basketball than I am in football. In basketball, I know I’m not the best player skill-wise, but I can do things other than skill-wise to help our team be successful – like communicating well and making sure everyone knows where they are. I feel like I can do a better job of that this upcoming year than I have in the past.”
Favorite sport?
“If I had to pick one, it would be football.”
Favorite quarterback, current or former NFL player, to watch?
“I’m a huge Packers fan, so I’d say Aaron Rodgers. But a person that, he isn’t really around anymore, I used to love to watch was Cam Newton. I thought his swag on the field was something no other quarterback had.”
Do you pattern your game after any quarterback?
“I try to take a little bit from everyone. Like things that I see if there’s a game on at night and I see something from a quarterback that I like, I try to implement that in my lifestyle and the game.”
What do you like to do away from sports?
“I love golfing. It’s a beautiful sport – just getting out there, relaxing. I golfed today. I’m not the greatest at it, but it’s fun to get out there with some buddies and chill.”
Do you like to travel?
“I do not. I do not like long car rides, even though I’ve had a couple this summer going to camps and stuff.”
Do you have a favorite area you’ve visited?
“We used to go to Key West (Florida) all the time for vacation. I love that area.”
What’s a quote that’s stuck with you through the years?
“It’s not necessarily a big known quote, but I remember there was a basketball coach who was on varsity when I was in third or fourth grade and I heard him say, ‘You just have to want it more. It doesn’t matter your skill level. It matters how much effort you give. And you have to want it more than anyone else.’”
Would you rather go boating or hunting?
“Boating, for sure.”
If you could be somebody for a day, who would it be?
“Pretty much any NFL quarterback and just see what their daily lifestyle is like — whether they have a practice that day and what the practice is like or what an offseason training day is like, even what they do for recovery and stuff like that.”
Most memorable football moment?
“An obvious answer is beating Bay Port in the spring and then coming back and beating them in the fall a couple of months later.”
Most memorable basketball moment?
“I feel like all of them happened this past season, some great moments in basketball happened this season. I’d say beating Notre Dame at home, the full-court pass to Will Hornseth and he laid it in with 1.2 seconds left. Having the whole crowd rush the court, that was pretty awesome.”
Gatorade or Powerade?
“Powerade Zero Sugar.”
What is your favorite video game to play?
“I don’t play video games often, but if I were, it would have to be Madden against one of my football teammates.”
Did you go anywhere for spring break this past March?
“North Captiva Island (Florida). I’ve been so busy with sports the past couple of years, it’s been tough to get somewhere during spring break.”
What is your favorite subject in school?
“There’s a difference – I’m best at math and science, but my favorite subject or class I’m taking is computer science.”
Meat or fish?
“Meat, for sure.”
What one word describes you?
“I think I have a good work ethic, and that’s important in whatever you do in life. I guess that’s not one word, but it’s just something I try to carry with me whatever I’m doing.”
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