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Nicolet National Bank Senior Spotlight: Dana Jurecki – Pulaski girls’ tennis


By Murray Gleffe


Name: Dana Jurecki

Nickname: Daner

Activity: Girls’ tennis

Dana Jurecki is a senior at Pulaski High School on the girls’ tennis team, where she is the No. 1 singles player.

Her most memorable moment was when she won a point on a hustle play where the opposing player had already turned her back and thought she had won the point.

What’s it like playing for Coach Sperduto?

“It has been fun playing for Pulaski tennis. Not only do my coaches push me to be my best, but playing on a team filled with some of my closest friends has been something I’ll never forget. We all cheer each other on, and the coaches encourage no matter what. Coach Sperduto has always kept my spirits high about my game and always makes my night with his lengthy emails.”

How do you balance participating in sports and a heavy course load?

“At school, I work hard to get all my homework done before the day ends. All of my free time in school is spent on homework so I have the whole night to play tennis and participate in the other activities I’m involved in.”

Amusement park or a walk on the beach?

“I’d rather go to an amusement park because I’m a fan of roller coasters. I would ride Batman six times if I could.”

If you could be somebody for a day, who would it be?

“I would be Gordon Ramsey because he always eats the coolest foods, and I would love to eat and travel the world.”

Talk about your family and how they have supported you through middle school and high school tennis matches.

“My family has always been supportive of me in tennis. They bought me everything I wanted for the sport and let me play in extra tournaments outside of my Pulaski team. They have always come to my matches and cheered me on, no matter if I won or lost.”

Favorite thing to do in Green Bay/Pulaski?

“Ice skating at Titletown. In the winter, they always have it decorated so nice with the Christmas lights and the bonfire they burn in the middle of the rink.”

What are your college aspirations?

“I have been accepted to UW-Eau Claire and will study pre-optometry. I work as an optician now, and I completely love my job. I would love to work in this field for the rest of my life.”

If you were in control, what would you change about living in the present?

“I would change how much we rely on our cellphones. I find it very hard to hold a conversation with someone who is consistently looking at their phone with their mind in a different place.”

What is your leadership style?

“I believe in leading by example. I try not to show if I get upset on the court and give encouragement to the people who need it. I like to get in touch with everyone on the team to make sure everyone is comfortable talking to me in case they need anything.”

What are your hobbies?

“Playing tennis and performing for color guard. These two activities keep me active and have allowed me to meet some amazing people.”

Favorite type of music?

“I love any type of music. I listen to country, pop, classical, Broadway, rock, the 80s and most importantly, the oldies.”

What three words describe you?

“Smiley, funny, kind.”

Wimbledon or French Open?


Favorite pro tennis player?

“Roger Federer.”

If you could board a plane tomorrow and go anywhere in the world, what would be your destination?

“I would go to Iceland. Iceland has always been my dream destination because of its beautiful waterfalls and its puffins.”

Summer or fall?

“I would take fall over summer any day.”


Class: Anatomy

Food: Pomegranate

Television show: Bob's Burgers

amusement park, batman, gordon ramsey, homework, Pulaski, tennis


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