By Rich Palzewic
Sports Editor
Camryn Baenen is a recent graduate of Green Bay Preble High School.
She was a varsity softball player all four years of her high school career.
Baenen plans to attend St. Norbert College and will study something in the health or law field.
She plans to play softball for the Green Knights.
Name: Camryn Baenen
Nickname: Cam, Cambo
Sport: Softball
Position: Shortstop
Parents: Kurt and Chris
Twitter: @cambo_4
Tell me about your family.
“I have a younger brother named Seth who is 16 and is a junior at Preble. Both my parents are from Green Bay and went to Preble. They were high school sweethearts.”
Do you come from a sports family?
“Seth wrestles, my dad wrestled but also worked a lot and my mom did a bunch of recreational league stuff.”
Is there a sport you wish you had done?
“I used to play basketball in middle school. I kind of wanted to play in high school, but I never got around to it.”
What was it like playing for head coach Ron Metzler?
“He is a very enthusiastic coach and loves the sport. It was really fun to play for him – he was very knowledgeable.”
Reflect on your four years of playing softball at Preble.
“It was a lot of fun and a lot of learning, especially my freshman year. We came close in the last couple of years to make it to state, but we couldn’t get the job done.”
What are you expecting at St. Norbert for softball?
“I don’t really know yet. I haven’t taken the time to look at the roster, but I am hoping to get at least a little bit of playing time my first year.”
What is something about you most people wouldn’t know?
“I like to hunt and fish a lot with my dad and grandpa. We used to go up to Canada for a week to fish. We are going to try and go again this year. I haven’t gotten a deer yet. I’ve also tried trap shooting with my brother once in a while.”
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
“Hopefully, my life will be settled down after college and I’ll have a good job.”
Do you feel like you’ll stay in this area?
“I may move to a different city, but I don’t see the need to move too far away – I like it here.”
Do you have a favorite family vacation?
“This past spring break, we went to Honduras as a family. We stayed in a condo on Roatan Island for a week. We went fishing, walked around a lot, went shopping and relaxed on the beach.”
What is your favorite state?
“I really like Wisconsin – I love the four seasons.”
What are three things you’ll miss about Preble?
“My classmates – they really made things fun. Also, playing softball and all the activities Preble had. It was fun to attend all the football and basketball games and dances.”
How will you be remembered at Preble?
“Probably just as a loud and happy person.”
Reading or writing?
Arizona for the heat or Alaska for the scenery?
“Alaska for the scenery.”
Chocolate or vanilla?
Fruits or veggies?
Spring or fall?
Color: Blue
Sport to watch: Baseball
Superhero: Spiderman
Animal: Elephant
Candy: Snickers or Twix