Wednesday, September 11, 2024

N.E.W. bicycling & walking: Groups and organizations for your benefit


By Peter and Tracy Flucke

Special to The Press Times

BROWN COUNTY – The goal of this column is to entertain, educate and inspire you with a new perspective on bicycling and walking.

But we are not the only ones doing this – there are several groups and organizations in the area working on your behalf.

Bay Shore Bicycle Club

“The Bay Shore Bicycle Club's (BSBC) mission is to promote bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation. BSBC advocates for public facilities for cycling, including bike paths and trails, and promotes the cyclist's right to use public roads. BSBC sponsors bike rides, bike events and socials, supports local charities and events and promotes bicycle education to create a bicycle-friendly environment in northeastern Wisconsin.”

The BSBC was the first group we joined upon moving to the area in the early 1990s, and Peter has held several club positions.

You can find more information on the club by CLICKING HERE.

Center for Childhood Safety

“Our mission is to create a culture of childhood safety in Northeast Wisconsin by providing education and resources to children and adults. Each year, more than 6.5 million young people are injured severely enough to land in a hospital emergency room, many with life-altering consequences. Yet, an astounding 90 percent of these could have been avoided through education and prevention measures like those offered through the Center for Childhood Safety (CCS). Safety Town is a week-long summer camp that has run for more than 20 years and taught safety skills to more than 4,000 children in Brown County and beyond.”

Pedestrian and bicycle safety is a part of Safety Town.

Peter is a former CCS board member.

For more information on the Center for Childhood Safety, CLICK HERE.

Friends of the Fox River Trail

“The Friends of the Fox River Trail (Friends FRT) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping the Brown County Parks Department with the maintenance and upkeep of the Fox River State Recreational Trail in Brown County, Wisconsin.”

Our family has been involved with the trail since before it was a trail.

Look for our brick at the rest stop south of Heritage Road in De Pere.

You can find more information on the organization by CLICKING HERE.

Green Bay Bicycle Collective

“The mission of the Green Bay Bicycle Collective (GBBC) is to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation, through education, encouragement and advocacy, thus creating a safe, healthy, community-based bike culture. The GBBC is a non-profit bike group made up of cyclists and advocates. We offer bike safety courses and refurbished bikes through our Earn-A-Bike program and encourage mobility by hosting community rides and events. Our advocacy efforts include working with local officials to increase bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the Greater Green Bay Area.”

We have been supporters of the GBBC since its inception.

For more information on the Green Bay Bicycle Collective, CLICK HERE.


“Wello is a well-being network mobilizing people, while connecting organizations and resources to identify and solve complex problems that negatively affect quality of life in Brown County. We use the science of well-being to help the Greater Green Bay community thrive.”

We are both active members of the Greater Green Bay Active Communities Alliance and the Win Network sponsored by Wello.

You can find more information on Wello by CLICKING HERE.

Editor’s notes: Peter and Tracy Flucke are authors of the book “Coast to Coast on a Tandem” and owners of WE BIKE, etc., a national bicycle and pedestrian consulting business based in Ashwaubenon. Send questions to

Bay Short Bicycle Club, Center for Childhood Safety, Coast to Coast on a Tandem, Friends of the Fox River Trail, Peter Flucke, Tracy Flucke