Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Howard board approves trio of rezoning requests


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

HOWARD – At its only meeting in December, the Howard village board approved three rezoning requests recommended by the village’s Plan Commission.

Board members approved a request from Phyllis and Anthony Reedy to rezone a parcel at 4701 Glendale Ave. from R-5 Rural Estate Residential to R-1 Residential Single Family.

The property is adjacent to the Howard Crossing plat located adjacent to Mills Centre Park with the home having frontage on Jerome Way and Glendale Avenue.

The Reedys would like to develop three additional lots in the future with the rezoning being consistent with the adjacent approved plat.

Rick Nickel received board approval to rezone property at 1001 and 1003 Coggins Court from R-3 Duplex to PPD Planned Development District to create a zero-lot-line development (two lots) with the existing duplex lot.

The certified survey map divides the property into two lots with half the duplex on each lot sharing a common wall with separate laterals installed.

Board members also approved a request from the Pamperin family to rezone approximately 2.93 acres at 4317 Shawano Ave. from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture to R-1 Residential Single Family.

The property has a house on Shawano Avenue with land located to its northwest.

The rezoning was sought to create a lot for a single-family home.

Board members also approved a certified survey map to create the new parcel.

Howard Village Board, rezoning, Village of Howard