Thursday, October 10, 2024



By Patrick Wood


Dear Reader,

Have you ever been hungry – I mean really hungry, when you hadn’t had a meal all day or even longer?

Have you ever had food insecurity – wondering whether you will have enough food to last between now and the

next time you have money to buy more?

How about shelter – have you ever wondered where you would sleep at night?

Not in the adventurous “let’s wander the countryside” way; more of the “I don’t have anyplace to go and it’s getting dark” way.

Homelessness and food scarcity are real concerns in Wisconsin.

There are more than 4,500 Wisconsinites without a home right now.

We are a strong and prosperous state, we have adequate resources, and we are smart people.

We need to come together to solve the homelessness problem in Wisconsin.

Please help by buying a homeless person a $25 Badger Pack.

This survival kit contains necessities that will help a person down on their luck.

While it may not solve the problem entirely, it will help ameliorate the suffering in the short term.

You can make a contribution by going to the Go Fund me titled Wisconsin Newspapers Supporting Homelessness.

One-hundred percent of your gift will go to supply resources to homeless people.

I hope you can join us in this important and worthy effort.

From the publisher, homeless, Pat Wood