By Ben Rodgers
HOBART – The Hobart village board scheduled a public hearing for its second meeting in June at its Tuesday, June 4 meeting.
A public hearing will be held at the Tuesday, June 18, village board meeting in regards to Bostad Builders (Tom Juza), requesting a rezoning from Residential 1 to Residential 2 in the 600 to 700 block of Trout Creek Road.
The change in zoning would allow for a more dense layout of homes and a condominium component to the proposed the Milton Hills subdivision.
This is the public’s chance to voice opinions on the proposed development.
In other public hearing news, a hearing was held and the board approved a conditional use permit for a 4-foot high fence for a home day care center located at 807 Sunbeam Circle.
The village code permits a maximum height of 3 feet for a fence.
The board also approved the lease of village-owned land for farming operations.
The lease allows Bill Derouin to plow, plant and harvest a crop on the dedicated property of the village, known as Autumn Joy Drive, for the 2019-20 crop year.
“It’s a right of way for a road that was never constructed,” said Aaron Kramer, village administrator. “Rather than having to go down there and mow the grass, Mr. Derouin farms it, and everybody is happy at the end of the day. It’s a good deal for the village and a good deal for Mr. Derouin.”
Coming out of closed session, the village board approved the hiring of Gavin Henn for the position of Public Works and Utility crew member, effective immediately.
The Board also approved a compensation adjustment plan for the Public Works Department, effective with the 2020 budget.
Finally, the Village of Hobart will have two committee meetings next week.
The Public Works and Utilities Advisory Committee met at 6 p.m. Monday, June 10 at the village office.
The committee will continue its investigation into the operational costs and opportunities of roadside leaf pickup in Hobart.
Recommendations to the village board are expected to be finalized.
The committee will also review a proposal to address the Hillcrest Elementary School pedestrian safety issues that have been looked at since late last year.
Village staff is recommending a three-phase approach to address the safety issue, and is asking the committee to review these proposals and make a recommendation to the board for its consideration later this summer.
The committee will also review and make a recommendation to the village board on a contract with Northern Pipe for the televising and cleaning of the village’s sanitary sewer lines.
“This proposed contract covers the next three years, but at the same contract rates that we pay now,” said Kramer. “It’s a good deal for the village, as this is a service we need in order to monitor our underground infrastructure.”
The Planning and Zoning Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, at the village office.
It will be asked to review a proposed plat for an eight-acre parcel in Centennial Centre located north of Larson Orchard Parkway.
The plat would divide the property into four ready-to-develop parcels, as well as a right-of-way for a possible road connection going north through the property.
The plat will go to the village board for final approval in late June or July.
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