Village Board approves ordinances
The Village Board approved two ordinances when it met May 17.
The first – an amended ordinance regarding musical performance regulations.
The amendment further details the hours in which musical instruments, radios, jukeboxes, speakers or other means of electric sound or music amplification in an outdoor area, are prohibited.
The ordinance states usage of these items is prohibited after 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and after 11 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.
It also states that no outdoor music shall start earlier than 7 a.m. on any day of the week.
The second ordinance was to amend the village’s municipal code to more clearly define the role for each board, committee and commission, unless already specified in state statute.
The village has nine boards/commissions/committees, including the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Appeals, Board of Review, Board of Police Commissioners, Board of Fire Commissioners, Public Works and Utilities Advisory Committee, Site Review Committee, Ethics Committee and Parks and Recreation Committee.
Summer celebration
The first annual Hobart Summer Celebration is set for Sunday, July 31, from 4-8 p.m. at Four Seasons Park.
Proceeds from the event, which will include food and beer, will benefit the Hobart-Lawrence K9 unit and the Hobart Fire Department.
More information will be released as the event draws closer.
Drainage issues reviewed, one recommendation approved
The board approved the recommendation of the Public Works and Utilities Advisory Committee to address a drainage issue at 1074 Riverside Drive by installing a storm sewer catch basin and piping.
The cost of the project is $18,500 and will be funded by the Storm Water Fund.
The board sent the discussion on another drainage issue on Ponce De Leon back to staff to develop a plan to address the issue and bring it back to the board in June.
South Pine Tree Road traffic concerns
The Village Board also discussed speed and traffic concerns on South Pine Tree Road.
The Public Work and Utilities Advisory Committee reviewed the concerns, but recommended no changes be made at this time to the speed limits on this road, and said that the police chief will continue to monitor the situation.
Fire department tender
The board approved a proposal to convert the department’s tender into a flatbed truck for the Public Works Department, at a cost of $20,801, to assist in hauling yard waste and performing pre-treatment and anti-icing operations.
The department purchased a new tender that went into rotation earlier this year.
Upcoming board meetings:
• Tuesday, June 7 (6 p.m.) – regular board meeting at the Village Office
• Tuesday, June 21 (6 p.m.) – regular board meeting at the Village Office
• Tuesday, July 5 (6 p.m.) – regular board meeting at the Village Office
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