Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hobart board to hold public hearing on sewer rate increase


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

HOBART – The Village Board will hold a public hearing Tuesday, March 15, when it considers approving a sewer rate increase.

Based on Hobart’s sewer rate formula, the proposed sewer rate of $8.21 per 1,000 gallons would be a 44-cent increase (5.7%) above the current rate.

The average quarterly usage in Hobart the past three years is approximately 12,000 gallons per quarter.

Village Administrator Aaron Kramer said a resident currently pays $93.24 per quarter or $372.96 annually for sewer service, based on the average.

With the proposed rate, he said that would increase to $98.52 and $392.08, respectively. 

Kramer said village staff reviewed the formula over the past several months and made adjustments to determine a rate based on rates from the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District (GBMSD), current annual operational costs and debt service of the village’s sewer utility and projected sewer volume.

He said the GBMSD rate is increasing by 1.4% in 2022, while day-to-day operations include a projected 4.5% increase in the number of gallons billed.

With Hobart having around $2.8 million in principal remaining on its existing sanitary sewer utility debt as of Jan. 1, Kramer said the village’s debt payments for the sewer utility remain relatively stable this year, then will decline slightly in 2023, before a more significant decrease is projected in 2026, with the majority of the utility’s debt being paid off by the end of the decade.

Additional public hearings being held March 15 include:

• Considering modifications/amendments to the zoning ordinance related to allowing a brewery/distillery/winery in the A-1 Agricultural District.

• Considering modifications/amendments to the zoning ordinance related to creating a quarry/mining district and amending the code pertaining to earth excavation and conditional uses.

• Considering the rezoning of a parcel at 4758 Forest Road from A-1 Agricultural to R-6 Multi-Family Residential.