By Press Times Staff
GREEN BAY – Former Green Bay District 3 Alderperson Andy Nicholson and political newcomer Jim Hutchison will face off to take over representation for incumbent Veronica Corpus-Dax, who is not running for reelection.
The Press Times asked each candidate the same question.
“What do you see as the most important issue facing the City of Green Bay and District 2, and if elected, how will you address it?”
Each candidate had 200 words to respond.
Jim Hutchison
A: The cost of addressing infrastructure issues, like roadway surfaces and surface water issues, (flooding during rainfall events), poses a huge hidden cost issue for the City of Green Bay residents.
There should be a refocusing effort where infrastructure projects are prioritized and publicized in the budget process.
The design standards used for each project should protect the project from future events, like bus traffic loading (for streets) and future rainfall events (for storm sewers) based on sound engineering and scientific basis.
For instance, the fact that 25-year storm events are happening more frequently, requires a new standard to allow design of the pipes conveying the storm water.
New development should be scrutinized for appropriate design standards.
We simply cannot afford to under-design our infrastructure.
Also, I have been asked by constituents: “Where is the 5% wheel tax going?”
I think whenever public funds are used, the revenue source for the structure should be added to the project sign posted at the site.
Andy Nicholson
A: I’m running for office because of the lack of government accountability in City Hall.
Our community is seeing increased crime (125% increase in homicide rates 2019-20), massive spending, tax increases, reduced services and deteriorating roads and neighborhoods.
I have a proven record of opposing spending and tax increases and providing constituent service residents deserve.
I also have a reputation of holding City Hall accountable.
I pledge to continue to fight for our neighborhoods and residents.
I’ll refocus city priorities to its core functions – public safety, road repair and city services.
I will re-engage the county’s drug task force to crack down on high crime areas in neighborhoods and create special joint initiatives for safer streets and neighborhoods.
There are other opportunities to share services in parks, public works and administration.
As a lifelong resident of Green Bay, I have a proven track record on public safety issues, and I’d appreciate your vote.