By Heather Graves
GREEN BAY – In the State of Wisconsin, the responsibility for redrawing district lines rests in the hands of the Legislature.
“Districts are supposed to be drawn so they accurately reflect how people vote across a state,” said Linda Van Beek, with The League of Women Voters (LWV) of Greater Green Bay. “But once politicians get into power, they can redraw district lines to guarantee their reelection and skew statewide representation, regardless of how the people vote.”
That is something LWV, a non-partisan political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, wants to see changed.
“Redistricting was originally designed to ensure that there be proper representation so that everyone’s vote counted, which is the basis of a fair and good democracy,” Van Beek said.
However, Van Beek said like many other states, Wisconsin is dealing with gerrymandering, which is defined as manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to favor one party or class.
“Gerrymandering is about political power,” Van Beek said. “Both parties do it when they’re in charge of drawing district lines and it means political insiders have more power than voters when it comes to who gets elected. Once politicians get into power, they can redraw district lines to guarantee their reelection and skew statewide representation, regardless of how the people vote.”
With the 2020 Census just around the corner, redistricting and gerrymandering are once again hot topics, and the focus of a free event being hosted by LWV next month.
The three-hour informational meeting from 9 a.m. to noon, Oct. 5, at the YWCA on Madison Street in downtown Green Bay, will feature four speakers including:
• Dan Theno, a former Republican State Senator, who will focus on explaining what redistricting is and how it affects voters,
• Cheryl McCutcheon, a member of the Citizens Redistricting Advisory Subcommittee to the Brown County board’s Executive Committee.
McCutcheon will discuss the committee’s goals, its progress and planned steps to influence the Brown County Board of Supervisors following the 2020 census.
• Erin Grunze, Director of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, will talk about the current state of redistricting legislation in Madison and other grassroots actions voters have taken around the state.
“Erin will share what an individual can do to insure fair voting practices,” Van Beek said.
• League member Barbara Paterick will discuss the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
“Barbara is active with the local, state and national League groups studying and developing the League policy for national popular vote,” Van Beek said.
More information on the event can be found at or
Registration for the event can be done at or at the door on the day of the event.
“If your vote matters to you, and you want to learn how to make your vote count, please join us for this special public event,” Van Beek said. “There is something we can do to change it back to the Constitution’s original intent.”
The event is free and open to the public.