By Kevin Boneske
Staff Writer
ASHWAUBENON – Dog and cat owners in the village wouldn’t have to license those animals in the future under a proposed ordinance change backed Tuesday, Aug. 14, by the Ashwaubenon Public Works and Protection Committee.
However, restrictions on the number of dogs and cats would remain in place to limit the maximum number of either animal a person may own, harbor or possess to two, with the exception that a litter of puppies or kittens, or a portion of a litter, may be kept for a period not exceeding eight weeks from birth.
The wording approved by committee members states “no more than a total of two dogs or cats” to specify either no more than two of one animal or one of each, not two of both.
Village Attorney Tony Wachewicz said the idea of changing the ordinance began after speaking with the Ashwaubenon’s community service officer, Ashley Berth, who handles pet-related issues in the village.
“Initially it came up because our ordinance, the way it that was drafted, was a little vague as far as how you count the number of dogs and cats,” Wachewicz said. “It said ‘and/or’ in the ordinance, which is confusing… As part of a cleanup of our ordinance, I basically deleted the word ‘and,’ and so it’s really that a person can keep either two, or one of either animal.”
As part of the discussion as to cleaning up the ordinance on the number of dogs or cats allowed, Wachewicz said the issue of whether dog or cat licenses would be needed in the village came up.
“In discussing that further, public safety has kind of indicated that they really don’t do anything much with respect to licensing,” he said. “They verify other information with the vet, if there is a dog bite, things of that nature. We have other ordinances that are available to enforce if there are any issues with respect to animals, such as running at large, things of that nature. Rabies vaccination is required.”
Wachewicz said there would be a “minimal amount of lost revenue” by discontinuing the dog and cat licenses, estimated at $1,650 annually.
The proposed ordinance change is being forwarded to the village board for final approval at its Aug. 28 meeting.