Thursday, February 6, 2025

Dozens protest against immigration facilities


By Heather Graves


DE PERE – Dozens flooded the sidewalk outside Rep. Mike Gallagher’s office in De Pere Tuesday, July 2 – chanting and clenching homemade signs demanding the closure of the immigration facilities on the country’s southern border.

“This is a crime against humanity,” said Judy Adamini, of Green Bay. “I have never seen anything like this becoming acceptable in my country and I’m angry that is continuing.”

The rally was just one of many demonstrations held nationwide July 2 following the release of reports about the facilities.

Organizer Sally Ann Brickner, a member of the Sisters of Saint Francis of the Holy Cross, said she put together the protest because it’s time for the community to take action.

“It’s heartbreaking, it’s heart-rending,” Brickner said. “This is a horrendous and unlawful policy. These are families that are seeking asylum. We really needed to do something here locally to get a message to (Rep. Gallagher).”

Brickner said that there are actions that can be taken that would enable the children to be reunited with their families, and safe.

“One way of doing that is cutting off the funding that would therefore close those camps,” Brickner said.

As a teacher, Oneida resident Megan Willard said she has seen firsthand the effects deportation and separation has on children.

“It’s a really sad time in our history that children are being separated from their families,” Willard said. “I’ve had students whose parents have been deported and I’ve seen what that can do – it destroys a family. And I think it’s being done for frivolous reasons.”

Others shared her same concerns.

“I don’t understand why we have to tell people that it isn’t okay to take innocent children from their parents and I don’t understand how it’s being allowed,” said Allouez resident Peggy Kubiak. “I don’t get why it’s okay.”

Rep. Gallagher was unavailable for comment, but his spokesperson Jordan Dunn issued this statement:

“There is a humanitarian crisis at the southern border. Congressman Gallagher last week voted to significantly increase funding to provide emergency relief and care at migrant shelters and has worked with both Republicans and Democrats in Congress to reduce our immigration backlog and keep families seeking asylum together. We can secure our border and better address this crisis, and Congressman Gallagher is committed to finding ways to do so in a bipartisan fashion.”

Brickner said she reached out to Rep. Gallagher prior to the July 2 event, but was unable to connect with him.

She said she is determined to continue trying.

“When we look at the Statue of Liberty and it says give me your tired, your poor – do we really follow that?” Brickner said. “If that is our high ideal then lets pursue that. I ask all citizens to get on board to protect the children, to keep families together and most of all close these camps.”

Bricker said that it’s important for citizens to speak up and share their concerns with elected officials.

“It’s not enough to cast a ballot on election day and then wash our hands of what’s going on,” Brickner said. “Be an active citizen. Hold our lawmakers accountable.”

To continue the effort, Brickner encouraged attendees to sign the petition and asked them to contact Rep. Gallagher individually to continue to voice their concerns.

De Pere, immigration facilities, Mike Gallagher, Sally Ann Brickner


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