By Kevin Boneske
Staff Writer
HOWARD – The village board approved a resolution Monday, Jan. 14, authorizing special assessments upon portions of Glendale Avenue and Shawano Avenue, Jerome Way and the plat of Howard’s Crossing.
Those assessments relate to providing utility service and roadway improvements for 53 lots in the planned Howard’s Crossing subdivision.
Mike Kaster, director of engineering, said Wade Micoley of Tycore Built approached the village last summer about doing a subdivision development in the former school district property just west of Mills Center Park.
At the northeast corner of the proposed plat, Kaster said Anthony and Phyllis Reedy, who own a large lot at the corner of Jerome Way and Glendale Avenue, would like to participate in the project as well and are planning on creating three additional lots along Jerome Way with a certified survey map (CSM).
“Development agreements would have to be obtained from both of those parties to be able to repay the assessments from them should the project go forward,” Kaster said.
To be able to serve the proposed development at Howard’s Crossing, Kaster said water main would have to be extended west on Shawano Avenue, approximately 2,400 feet, beginning at the intersection with Gaibrelle’s Gate.
“Along the way, there would be 18 properties that would be special-assessed, and 10 of those properties would be required to connect to the water, under the current ordinances,” he said.
Kaster said a public information meeting, tentatively scheduled for Jan. 29, will be held for village staff to get information regarding desired lateral locations for the properties and also to address any concerns regarding the project.
Depending on the weather, Kaster said the project could start in late April with a planned completion date by the end of September.
“With approval of this resolution tonight, staff will go ahead and procure bids and then develop a schedule of assessments for review at a future public hearing and board meeting,” he said.
On the southerly side of Glendale Avenue, beginning approximately 280 feet east of the intersection with Jerome Way and continuing west along Glendale Avenue approximately 1,020, the project also calls for sanitary sewer and laterals, as well as water mains and water services.
Sanitary sewer and laterals, water mains and water services, storm sewer and laterals, sidewalks, curb and gutter, asphalt roadway and storm water management facility construction would be included for the plat at Howard’s Crossing and Jerome Way.
The resolution notes the total amount assessed by the village “shall not exceed the cost of the improvements.”