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Board approves plan for developing former Schneider site


By Kevin Boneske

Staff Writer

ASHWAUBENON – A plan to redevelop the former Schneider site at 2661 S. Broadway for residential use was approved Tuesday, June 25, by the village board.

The Village of Ashwaubenon owns the two parcels that total around 22 acres after purchasing the property for $1.25 million.

It has been working with Radue Homes and Continuum Architects to redevelop the site from a vacant semi-truck trailer yard into 145 owner-occupied housing units that include duplexes, townhomes and apartment-style condominiums.

The planned unit development overlay district approved for the site, which will be known as Aldon Station, includes a mixture of residential uses with the board also having backed a request to rezone the property from I-2 heavy industrial to R-2 two-family residential and R-3 multi-family residential.

A memo provided by Continuum to the village about the development proposes building one 15-unit condominium building with a community room and a pool, two 18-unit condominium buildings, two 20-unit condominium buildings, 19 duplex buildings with two units per building and four four-unit townhouses.

Community Development Director Aaron Schuette said the south and west of the property is being rezoned R-3 where the apartment-style condominium units would be located with areas to the north and east of those units being rezoned R-2 where the townhomes and duplexes would be built.

“The reason for that (rezoning) is basically the type of units that are on those properties,” Schuette said. “The R-2 is the duplex owner-occupied units and the townhome owner-occupied units, and the R-3 are the multiple-condo units in one building.”

The board also authorized the village to submit an Idle Sites grant application seeking $500,000 from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for the development of the former Schneider property.

Last September, the village board authorized contracting with McMahon & Associates and Stantec for preliminary site work on the parcels for a cost of $104,100, plus final road and utility design costs, with funding from Tax Incremental Financing District No. 3.

Environmental concerns

Environmental assessments have been taking place on the former Schneider property leading up to the site being redeveloped.

When asked by Trustee Mark Williams about the site being remediated to be used as residential property, Village Manager Allison Swanson said that is still being worked on.

“We’re having additional sampling done…,” Swanson said. “We’ve been having conversations with the (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources), so we need to submit a final plan that will have that once we (have) the next round of testing results.”

Swanson said material will be hauled off the site to remediate the property for residential use.

“Most of it will be hauled off, and we’re also in the process of applying for a grant to help offset some of those costs as well,” she said.

Swanson said property will be cleaned up as part of the construction.

“They’re kind of going hand-in-hand,” she said. “We’re not just going to clean out the soils and then not have a plan…”

Swanson said a development agreement will likely be presented to be board next month.

Aaron Schuette, Aldon Station, Allison Swanson, Ashwaubenon Village Board, Continuum Architects, Mark Williams, Radue Homes, Schneider National, village of Ashwaubenon


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