Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Allouez board approves new playground equipment


By Josh Staloch

Staff Writer

ALLOUEZ – Green Isle Park will be getting an updated array of playground equipment following unanimous approval by the Village Board at its Tuesday, Nov. 2, meeting.

Beginning in early October, Allouez conducted a survey asking residents what they would like to see added to the park.

It received 369 replies, and residents voted for what Chris Clark, director of Parks, Recreation & Forestry said is the nicest option possible, which includes two swing bays, linking ring climber, a Rock 'n Roll slide and more. 

He said the total price tag for the project, including an estimated $10,000 for concrete, comes in at $220,082.

Clark said that cost is higher than the playground project was bonded for but, other projects were completed under budget.

“Because our Green Isle roadway project came in under budget, we have some funds available that can go towards this project,” he said. “It will have a variety of different play components. All of the playground equipment is ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) compliant and we are going to modify the existing design a little bit to allow for some future expansion.”

The playground equipment will be ordered this year to be delivered in spring 2022.

Sampson appointed to Wisconsin Lakes

Trustee Chris Sampson, whose family has a cottage on Pine Lake in Shawano County, said he has been appointed to the Wisconsin Lakes, formerly known as the Wisconsin Lakes Association.  

“I’ve been active on the board of our local Clover Leaf Chain (of lakes) up in Shawano County and from being involved in statewide things, I was invited to join that board, which is made up of about 10 different lake associations from around the state,” Sampson said. “This organization focuses on things like phosphorus loading, invasive species – they’re kind of a sounding board for the DNR. They also lobby the Legislature. I’m really looking forward to that and I think there’s a local tie in. I will be able to share what Allouez is doing on a local level and tie it together with what the other lakes are doing.”  


• A budget hearing will be held at Village Hall at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16. Anyone interested in learning about or speaking on the village’s next budget is invited.

• The Green Bay Metro Fire Department’s Gifts For Teens Parade will be held from 6–7:30 p.m. Dec. 2. Fire trucks from the area will be accepting gift donations. Starting on Broadview Drive at Langlade Elementary School, the parade will head south on Delahaut Street and eventually back to Broadview Drive via East River Drive.

Allouez, Chris Clark, Green Isle Park, Trustee Chris Sampson