Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Allocation increase approved at Green Bay 4K Model 3 sites


By Heather Graves


GREEN BAY – The Green Bay school board unanimously approved a per-pupil allocation increase to its Model 3, community 4K partner locations at its May 20 board meeting, but not without some concerns.

Serving 287 children at the Model 3 sites, the increase would be just under $60,000, with an increase from $2,300 per student to $2,500 per student.

The district contracts with eight community locations:

• Five Encompass locations employing five teachers and five paraprofessionals.

• OAK Learning Center at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary employing two teachers and two naturalists.

• The YWCA employing one teacher and one paraprofessional.

• Peace Nursery employing two teachers and one paraprofessional.

The concern some board members have is with part of the Model 3 agreement, which states the community location site administrators have complete control on where the money is used.

“We provide the professional development and the support for the academic programming for the students,” said Superintendent Michelle Langenfeld. “They do have quite a bit of autonomy on how they spend the money. We can’t, for example say ‘You will give your teachers this (salary), or give them these benefits.’ We cannot say that. That’s not part of what of what the Model 3 does.”

President Brenda Warren said it has been made clear the board has concerns about the salary and benefits the teachers at the community sites receive.

“If we don’t give them the money, the salaries and benefits are not going to go up,” Warren said. “We can’t dictate to them, but (giving them the extra money) certainly increases the chances that they will take that and put it toward salary and benefits increases.”

Another board member echoed those concerns.

“It’s really hard for me to have the blind faith when I know the concerns are there today before the money is even gone,” said Trustee Rhonda Sitnikau.

Purchase of new chemistry books approved

Starting in fall 2020, high school students throughout the district will have the opportunity to use updated chemistry books.

This after board members approved the purchasing of the newest version of the “Inspire Chemistry” textbook – both hardcopy and digital access.

All chemistry teachers had the opportunity to review the potential resources and provide feedback.

With the board’s approval, the district will purchase 700 textbooks and a six-year license of online digital resources and 11 sets of teacher resources at a cost of $88,452.

The current textbook has a copyright date of 2005 and was only partially aligned with both Wisconsin state standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.

A professional learning session focused on the implementation and use of the digital resources will be offered to all chemistry teachers next month.

District staff transfers approved

The board approved two staff transfers for current district employees.

Theresa Willems will fill the role of executive director of human resources, transferring from her position as executive director on special assignment.

Tammy Vann will leave her position as principal at the Early Learning Center to assume the role of principal at Head Start.

Both transfers are effective July 1.

4K, Brenda Warren, GBAPS, Green Bay School Board, Michelle Langenfeld, Model 3, Rhonda Sitnikau