By Kevin Boneske
Staff Writer
ASHWAUBENON – The village’s Site Plan Review Committee approved a plan Tuesday, Feb. 18, for Schneider to build a second-floor addition to its data center at South Ridge Road/Allied Street.
Community Development Director Aaron Schuette said the site plan calls for the second floor to house the Schneider Innovation Center and will consist of offices, presentation areas, conference rooms, restrooms and collaborative areas.
Schuette said exterior materials for the center will consist primarily of an aluminum window wall system.
He said the metal cladding that was depicted on the first floor of the project’s color rendering will not be installed, and instead the existing exterior insulation and finish system (EFIS) will be repaired and painted to match the improvements.
The parking lot fronting South Ridge Road is also being reconstructed to accommodate additional parking spaces for the addition.
“The only staff condition is that, consistent with our code requirements, that perimeter curbing be included as well,” Schuette said.
Steve Parent of Schneider was present for the meeting and questioned why the company is required to have curbing around the parking lot.
Parent said the village code in the past did not require it.
“Our perspective is the curbing presents a maintenance issue,” he said.
Parent said an existing parking area at Schneider does not have curbing.
Schuette said curbing helps direct storm water better and also upholds the integrity of the asphalt better.
He said a full reconstruction of the parking lot will require curbing under the village code.
“If you were just resurfacing it, we would not require it, but if you add onto it, we would require it for that area,” Schuette said.
Food Safety Net expansion
Another site plan the committee approved where curbing will be required is for the parking lot/loading area expansion, additional loading dock, overhead garage door and small addition on the south side of the existing building for Food Safety Net Services at 3400 Packerland Dr.
Schuette said four additional aluminum storefront windows will be added to the north side of the building.
He said the exterior materials of the approximately 140-square-foot addition housing a walk-in cooler will consist of EIFS matching the existing building, while the lower portion of the addition will have split-face concrete block with cap to protect the EIFS finish as well as any metal wall panels.
Exterior alterations
The committee also approved exteriors alterations with the addition of three dormers, additional windows, an additional entry and the remodeling of two existing entry doors requested by Rowlock LLC at 2960 Allied St.
Building inspector Kyle Pederson said the alterations will include removing the existing exterior vestibule main entrance to move to interior vestibules at the three entrances.
Pederson said each entry will receive a new dormer, storefront glass and doors and stone veneer columns.
Plaza redesign
The committee approved a site plan for redesigning the plaza located at the west end of Cornerstone Community Center.
Schuette said the current design is a “maintenance nightmare” for parks and recreation staff.
He said the new design calls for removing the fountain and the stairs and replacing them with a grassed area and a ramp meeting ADA standards.
He said this will improve accessibility to the building and reduce staff time to maintain the plaza.
In addition, Schuette said a drive and drop-off lane will be installed at the base of the plaza to connect the two parking lots and improve traffic circulation at the site.
With the two parking lots currently separated, he said an unsafe condition exists when vehicles “jump” the curb to drive from one lot to another.
Parker John’s fence
The former Grazies Italian Grill at 2581 S. Oneida St. is becoming a Parker John’s BBQ & Pizza, and the committee approved a site plan calling for a fence and an accessory structure for the location.
Building inspector Eric Baumann said the fenced-in area will encompass 765 square feet of prior parking area and conceal a permanently secured storage container as well as a commercial smoker.