Monday, September 9, 2024

A shopping spree for those in need


Erica Hennig, St. Mark partner, volunteers as the St. Mark Lutheran School gym is transformed into a makeshift sales floor. Eva Westein photo
Erica Hennig, St. Mark partner, volunteers as the St. Mark Lutheran School gym is transformed into a makeshift sales floor. Eva Westein photo

By Eva Westein

Contributing Writer

GREEN BAY – Since 2013, St. Mark Ministries has been transforming the St. Mark Lutheran School gym into a makeshift sales floor to house racks of donated clothing for their volunteer-based clothing giveaway event.

This year, the clothing giveaway will be held Aug. 2-3, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., at St. Mark Lutheran Church and School’s Green Bay campus. All are welcome to come shop the free clothing for all ages, with no limits on what can be taken home.

Shoppers can do one round of shopping, make a trip back to their vehicle to drop bags off, and then come right back and shop some more if they choose.

St. Mark Ministries will be providing shopping bags, but they have run out in the past so shoppers are encouraged to bring their own bags if they are able.

In the past, the clothing giveaway event has been able to offer community members a wide variety of items, including bags, accessories, jewelry, belts and outerwear on top of basic clothing items.

Kim Wismer folds a pair of pants for this year's clothing giveaway which will be held Aug. 2-3, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., at St. Mark Lutheran Church and School’s Green Bay campus.  Eva Westein photo
Kim Wismer folds a pair of pants for this year's clothing giveaway which will be held Aug. 2-3, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., at St. Mark Lutheran Church and School’s Green Bay campus. Eva Westein photo

Their stock comes from donations made by the congregation and fellow community members.

Event Coordinator Deanna Nighbor explains that there are no limits to what can be donated, as long as the items are still in good condition.

“We have really high standards for what we take because it’s free, it doesn’t need to be stained or ripped… but we kind of say ‘if you can wear it, we’ll take it.’”

The clothing giveaway event has become a source of security for community members who are in a spot in their lives where they need a little extra help for whatever reason.

“Everyone has a different story about why they might be there. And sometimes they just want to have their story told and they just need a kind face and a smile to listen, it’s not sometimes even about the clothes… We’ve had people who have shared that they just had a baby or someone who is taking custody of grandchildren or crazy life circumstances have happened and they didn’t know how they were going to get things done,” Nighbor added.

Nighbor’s favorite part about putting on the clothing giveaway event is how it creates a week-long opportunity for Christian fellowship.

“It’s always so great to see the joy in people’s eyes to find that one item that you know is just going to be a blessing to them,” she said.

If you would like to make a donation, there will be one last donation drop off window on Monday, July 29, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., at the Green Bay campus.

St. Mark Ministries is especially looking for donations of high-demand items such as men’s and children’s clothing items.

St. Mark Lutheran Church and School Green Bay campus is located at 1167 Kenwood St., Green Bay.

Green Bay, news, St. Mark Ministries