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Memorial Day – a debt of gratitude

By Patrick Wood

Dear Reader,

On Memorial Day we remember the men and women who fought and died fighting on behalf of our country. It is a day that reminds us that freedom is not a guarantee. It is not a given. It has been fought for by many of our fellow Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Pat Wood

It’s easy to take life for granted. Our everyday experience is that we can live freely without fear. We are reminded of the freedom that we have because they believed it to be an existential human right worth fighting and dying for. This day brings home the sacrifice of these lives and commemorates the fact that they died so we could live free.

On this day, do a hard stop and look beyond all the things you are doing to celebrate. Let’s give those who gave us our freedom their due, and remember our debt of gratitude with a thought, a prayer, a good deed, or a contribution on their behalf.

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