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On immortality

By Patrick J. Wood

Dear Reader,

The definition of immortality is the ability to live forever.

That’s a tall order all by itself since no human being can become a god.

Our bodies get old, deteriorate and eventually pass away.

But is there another form of immortality beyond our physical being?

Who has earned this state of status throughout history?

Who do we remember that continues to inspire?

A few names come to mind in art – Michelangelo, Da Vinci and Van Gogh.

A few names come to mind in music – Beethoven, Debussy and the Beatles.

A few names come to mind in politics – Alexander, Aurelius and Lincoln.

The list could go on and on.

When it comes to poetry, people such as Dickinson, Angelou and Browning come to mind.

Or a life of poetry… Mother Theresa, Gandhi…

We can all strive for immortality especially through the next generation by doing good for others, starting with our children.

Good deeds and great deeds all add up to everlastingness.

The path is right in front of us.

Imprint it.

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