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The wild side

By Patrick J. Wood

Dear Reader,

There is something about being in the great outdoors that lifts us up and energizes us.

Whether one takes a long walk, rides the bike trails, or paddles on a calm lake or river rapids, one sees the fresh beauty of it all.

There is so much to appreciate: The way the trees move and sway loom in sync, the sound of crunching snow, a fluorescent moon rising as the sun vanishes on the horizon.

Spending time in a natural setting with a spouse, relative, or friend offers a peaceful kind of feeling of being together.

Together we see the deer cross the path ahead, a fox bounding into a nearby grove of woods, or a v-formation of geese fly overhead.

There is no march on the continuum of the planet out in the wild.

Instead it’s a floating, meandering series of movements.


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