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FROM THE PUBLISHER: The art of living

By Patrick Wood

Dear Reader,

All too often we hear the phrase “Life is short.”

Even though life expectancy has risen dramatically over the last few generations, it seems that it’s not enough. Or is it?

It may be that we just waste so much of it…so much that when death is imminent, we regret that we never really learned how to live life as the splendorous gift it should be.

Time, hardly recognized as our most precious commodity, is bandied away as though we will always have an abundance.

Yet, in reality we don’t because each of us is stamped at birth with a pending short or lengthy expiration date that remains unknown until it happens.

In the meantime we guard our accumulations, monies, land and other properties, yet squander time like it’s a replenish-able, infinite resource.

We waste so much of our day thinking about tomorrow. We worry about so many things that will never come to life outside of our own imaginations. We mortgage the present for a future which may or may not come.

Who really lives in the present to fully cultivate that inner wholeness? Who enjoys, rather savors, each moment as it appears? Who leaves the potential of each day on the table unused hoping it will magically transform itself tomorrow?

Hats off to those who squeeze the marrow out of every moment, every second…

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